Stalker 2: The best mods and how to install them


Stalker 2 has barely been released and fans have already created the first mods. Here we explain what you can already change in the game and how it works.

Since the release of Stalker 2, trips to the zone often go anything but smoothly. This is partly due to the massive technical problems that occur, especially in the later stages of the game. But it’s also due to the poorly balanced economy and the long walking distances in the open world.

Solutions for all of this are already promised, though, by hard-working fans who have already created the first mods for the shooter. We’ll tell you how to install the modifications and which ones are the best here.

Guides despite purchase warning? In our test of Stalker 2 we currently advise against buying the shooter. Nevertheless, we will accompany Stalker 2 with guides and service articles. On the one hand, because of course your interest in the game is very high. On the other hand, because under all the bugs, crashes and performance issues, there is a really great Stalker sequel. Of course, we will also keep you informed about upcoming updates and patches from the developers.

This is how you install mods

If you want to install your mods manually, it usually works the same way. First, you have to find the folder where the game was installed. For us, the Steam installation path is something like this:

C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 Heart of Chornobyl

Depending on your installation choices and the platform you’re using (such as GOG or Game Pass), the installation path may of course differ. However, you can usually navigate there by right-clicking on the game in your library.

Once you’ve found the folder, you’ll need to open a subfolder called Paks, which you can access as follows:

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 Heart of Chornobyl/Stalker2/Content/Paks

There should be another subfolder here called ~mods If it doesn’t exist yet, you can simply create it yourself. This folder is where your mod files will end up.

However, not all mods are installed this way. Therefore, when downloading, always pay attention to the installation instructions in the description of the mod

The best mods for Stalker 2

The selection of mods is still a bit small shortly after release, but you can already find some practical improvements. For example, several mods promise to alleviate your performance problems or even make them disappear.


  • More FPS: A collection of tweaks designed to increase FPS and reduce stuttering while maintaining the same graphics quality. This is currently the most popular mod of its kind, but it doesn’t help all players.

  • Less Lag: A second mod that is also supposed to eliminate performance issues. You may need to try the different versions to find out which one works best for you.


Save on repairs:You’ll spend a lot of your money on repair tokens to keep your gear in good condition in Stalker 2. If you’re tired of investing your tokens in repairs alone, then a couple mods can help you out:

  • Reduced Costs: This mod reduces the cost of repairing weapons and equipment by 20 to 100 percent, as you prefer.

  • More durable equipment: Alternatively, you can use another mod to make weapons and armor last significantly longer or not break at all.

Carry more: In Stalker 2, it’s easy to become overburdened, even if you only take the most necessary items with you. If you don’t want to ruin your back any longer, two mods will help:

  • Carry more: This mod makes it easy to increase your carrying capacity as you wish. Choose an option and install it.

  • Lighter Ammo: Want to make a less drastic intervention in the game systems? Then you can also simply reduce the weight of ammunition and grenades.

More Stamina:Whether you’re running, jumping, or waving your knife, your stalker will quickly run out of breath. But this can also be prevented with mods:

  • Sprinting for longer: Reduces stamina consumption when sprinting at will.

  • Easier striking and jumping:Jumps and melee attacks cost less stamina.

Other mods:

  • Longer days: You want the days and nights to pass more slowly. With this mod, you can adjust the length of a day as you wish.

  • Weaker mutants: Tired of pumping two magazines into your assault rifle before it falls over? This mod will help you by significantly reducing the health points of monsters.

Graphic Darker Zone: The colors of Stalker 2 are much too friendly for your taste? This mod gives you a much darker zone. Download Brighter Nights: At night, it is often so dark in Stalker 2 that you can’t even see the weapon in your hands. This mod is designed to make Stalker look more realistic, but it also makes for slightly brighter nights. For Download

Even without mods, you can make your trip to the Exclusion Zone easier, and we’ll help you do it: with our tuning guide, you can get the last bit of performance out of the shooter without sacrificing too much graphics quality. And our beginner’s tips will help you get a foothold in the Zone, whether you’re playing Stalker for the first time or returning after a long time.