Stalker 2: Update 1.2 now brings over 1,700 improvements and fixes, these are the patch notes


With patch 1.2, the next major update for Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl was released on February 13. We summarize the most important changes for you.

Attention, stalkers: a new update has arrived in the Stalker 2 zone, and it’s a big one.Patch 1.2 is now available and contains over 1,700 improvements for various areas such as balance, performance, quests and the AI system A-Life. Accordingly, the download is also very extensive. On Steam, you have to download around 25 gigabytes of files.
We summarize the most important changes of the update and also present you with the complete patch notes on page 2 of this article.

What’s in patch 1.2?

The update makes improvements in almost all areas of the game. These are some of the most important changes:


  • NPCs now loot corpses of other stalkers, regardless of faction.
  • The accuracy of opponents has been adjusted. They also no longer shoot through walls as easily.
  • The combat behavior of mutants has been improved. They no longer get stuck in certain situations or stop attacking.
  • Controllers have a new ability.
  • Numerous fixes to NPC behavior: they now heal allies and react as intended to fire.


  • The radiation protection of the Strange Water has been reduced.
  • NPCs can kill Pseudodog Clones more easily.
  • Fewer NPCs with exo-skeletons spawn.

Optimization and crashes

  • Over 100 crash causes have been fixed.
  • Several performance issues have been fixed. Overall performance has been slightly improved.


  • Over 300 issues in the main quests have been addressed, including many that blocked quest progress.
  • Numerous issues in side quests have also been addressed.
  • You will now find new notes in hubs and the open world.

Other changes

  • The technician now always displays upgrades that have already been installed.
  • The level design and appearance of several locations and areas has been improved.
  • Your flashlight now casts a shadow.

Those were the most important changes in patch 1.2. The complete patch notes can be found on the second page.

Patch Notes


  • Fixed an issue where A-Life NPCs were unable to properly approach corpses. Now they can pick up the best loot and weapons from them, and switch to more powerful weapons.
  • Improved the behavior of NPCs when looting corpses.
  • Fixed an issue where NPCs could loot body armor and helmets from corpses.
  • Fixed an issue where NPCs could not loot the corpses of NPCs from another faction.
  • Fixed the shooting accuracy of NPCs
  • The spread of bullets has been reconfigured for all distances and all weapons.
  • A random function for precise shots in hail of bullets has been added.
  • The penetration of the bullets of certain NPC weapons has been reduced.
  • Improved stealth
  • Fixed an issue where the NPC could end up behind the player after a melee attack.
  • Adjusted the time it takes for NPCs to identify player characters.
  • Addressed an issue where NPCs at the Malachite location could detect players at long range and through objects.
  • Improved the behavior of mutants during combat
  • Fixed an issue where the AI could not avoid obstacles and get stuck during a scripted fight.
  • Fixed an issue where jumping mutants could get stuck in the air under certain conditions.
  • Fixed controller ability not working through lattice doors.
  • Fixed mutants not attacking in certain positions.
  • Fixed an issue where Chimera could jump through objects.
  • Fixed an issue where Chimera would not use a jump attack.
  • Fixed an issue where deer summons could spawn in the player’s field of view.
  • Fixed an issue where Poltergeist could activate an anomaly and take damage from it.
  • Fixed an issue where mutant jumpers would walk around the player on an elevated, unreachable surface.
  • Fixed an issue where Pseudodog could not spawn summons when retreating.
  • Added controller roar ability.
  • Fixed an issue where A-Life NPCs would not heal wounded NPCs on their own side.
  • Fixed an issue where A-Life NPCs could spawn corpses near the player.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause A-Life NPCs to have access to quest locations.
  • Fixed missing some characters that could cause a blocker when playing through the main line.
  • Fixed an issue where A-Life military could spawn endlessly near the rookie village.
  • Fixed the issue with a stuck guard NPC in the door at the Skadovsk site.
  • Fixed an issue where more rats than expected were appearing in the hideout.
  • Fixed an issue where the NPC could get stuck after loading savegames created right after the end of the issue.
  • Fixed an issue where weapons grabbed by the skill “Burer” would disappear.
  • Fixed an issue with the animations of NPCs when they go up stairs with a weapon in their hands.
  • Improved the animations of some mutants.
  • Fixed players taking damage near the NPC undergoing zombification.
  • Fixed an issue where NPCs could get stuck in the door after emitting and block players.
  • Fixed an issue where shooting mutant limbs could stretch them.
  • Fixed an issue where the NPC rifle rack position was used when standing with a pistol.
  • Fixed an issue where NPCs could appear in front of the player at the location of the sphere.
  • Fixed an issue with the repeatable cover animations of NPCs.
  • Fixed an issue where NPCs would get stuck in doors on Rostok.
  • The animation of NPCs walking while standing in combat has been corrected.
  • Fixed an issue where enemy NPCs did not react to flying bullets.
  • The open world battle with Pseudogiant near the abandoned science campus in Prypjat has been improved.
  • Fixed an issue where an NPC with a closed helmet could eat, smoke, and drink through the helmet.
  • Fixed an issue where some mutants lacked the animations of dying by anomaly.
  • Fixed an issue where Lex Legend and his group could not return to the quest location after the emission ended.
  • Fixed an issue that made it difficult for rats to move in narrow places.
  • Fixed an issue where Burer could snatch a quest weapon from the player’s hand.
  • Fixed an issue where NPCs could start a manhunt after warning players to hide their weapons.
  • Reduced the spawn rate of bloodsuckers before completing the “Behind Seven Seals” mission.
  • Fixed an issue where NPCs could block a passage in the Quiet camp after the fight.

In addition, more than 70 issues have been fixed.


  • Reduced the anti-radiation effect of the Weird Water Bow
  • Fixed a grenade being able to deal damage to Burer when the shield is active.
  • NPCs now require fewer shots to kill Pseudodog summons.
  • Increased the frequency of jump attacks for Blind Dog mutants.
  • Rebalanced pistols and silencer attachments.
  • Decreased the spawn rate of NPCs in exoskeletons.
  • Reconfigured the amount of armor NPCs wear. Increased the chance of lower and mid-level armor appearing, while decreasing the chance of higher level armor appearing.
  • Damage from radiation increased based on the amount of radiation accumulated
  • Decreased the chance of NPCs spawning with high-level weapons in the early game.
  • Added opportunities to trade with additional NPCs at waypoint nodes.
  • Economic adjustments for “A Job for the Bartender” on Veteran difficulty.

And a few other minor balance adjustments.

Optimization and crashes

  • Fixed FPS drops during the Fist boss fight.
  • Fixed an issue causing a performance drop when closing the PDA or the pause menu.
  • Slightly improved performance by disabling the properties for rebuilding the navigation network for multiple items.
  • Fixed a memory leak related to item editing.
  • Over 100 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION crashes and other bugs have been fixed, including some minor memory leaks.
  • Input lag after activating VSync with FidelityFX frame interpolation enabled has been fixed.
  • Added framerate lock during pause menu, main menu and loading screens.

And some other optimization improvements.

Under the hood

  • The player’s flashlight now casts shadows on objects.
  • Fixed the issue where relationships with NPCs did not change.
  • The names of some ammunition types have been changed.
  • The issue where the title could unexpectedly freeze during dialogues has been fixed.
  • The issue where some quest logics could not start after the death of an NPC has been fixed.
  • The transitions from cutscenes to the game have been improved.
  • A general problem has been fixed where the mission logic could be interrupted when the player gave an NPC an item via the dialog option.
  • Fixed an issue where the dialog with the NPC would close after leaving the trade/upgrade.
  • Fixed an issue where the player could be teleported outside of the playable area.
  • Added custom invisible aim logic for all supported controllers.
  • Fixed an issue where backups could be missing after losing savegames.
  • Fixed broken animations of NPCs smoking.
  • Fixed an issue where NPCs could teleport outside of the playable area of the map.
  • Fixed an issue where achievements could secretly clear the stash.
  • Fixed an issue where deleting local saves and a failed cloud save sync could corrupt savegames.
  • PDA models look better in low-light areas.

With over 100 other tweaks in the two sections: Optimization and Crashes and Under the Hood.

Main story

  • Fixed an issue where Colonel Korshunov and/or Captain Zotov could not appear during the “Wishful Thinking” mission.
  • Fixed an error due to which the reputation with Sultan bandits or Shevchenko stalkers did not increase after completing the “Three Captains” mission.
  • Fixed an issue due to which the Scar NPC was hostile to the player during the “Visions of Truth” mission.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from secretly progressing through the mission Shock Therapy because they were immediately identified by NPCs.
  • Fixed an issue where the last dialog with Gaffer could not start during the mission On a Knife Edge
  • Fixed an issue where the objective “Kill Dalin” remained active after Korshunov killed Dalin during the “Down Below” mission.
  • Fixed an issue where Inductor could disappear if Skif moved too far away from it during the mission “Hot on the Trail”.
  • Fixed a bug where killing Monolithians during the mission “The Eternal Shining” was not optional.
  • Fixed an issue where the player character was able to jump down the pod chamber after taking the elevator during the “Find Cartridge” phase without being able to take the elevator back up during the “Legends of the Zone” mission.
  • Fixed an issue where the dialogue with Dr. Dalin and Colonel Korshunov during the “Wishful Thinking” mission would loop.
  • Fixed an issue where the player could not trade with Wreck during the “The Boundary” mission.
  • Fixed an issue where the doors to the STC Malachite would not open during the mission “A Minor Incident”
  • Fixed several issues that could cause NPCs to move during dialogue with the player.
  • Fixed an issue where the Spark squad would not attack the guards during the “Visions of Truth” mission
  • Addressed an issue where the objective “Deliver the Shah’s PDA to Varan” could be marked as completed after trading with Huron during the mission “King of the Hill”
  • Chimera’s behavior during the mission Ad astra per aspera has been changed. He should now retreat after losing a certain amount of HP.
  • Fixed an issue where Ocheret would ignore the fight between the player and Ocheret’s squad.
  • Fixed an issue where A-Life NPCs could spawn in Claw during the Dead Frequency mission.
  • Changed the positions of the ward guards near the entrance to the X18 lab during the “Answers Come at a Price” mission.
  • Fixed an issue where the Monolithians were not present outside the Enerhetyk Palace during the “Road to the Foundation” mission.
  • Fixed an issue where the “Discover the location of the escaped Guardians” phase of the “Shock Therapy” mission remained active after Beard was killed.
  • Addressed an issue where players could lure chimeras to a peaceful zone and make them non-hostile during the mission The Road to the Foundation
  • Fixed an issue where scientists would constantly attack players during the “Visions of Truth” mission.
  • Fixed an issue where Noontiders would not become hostile if a friendly NPC was killed in front of them near the entrance of the Noontide base during the Hot on the Trail mission.
  • Fixed an issue where phantoms would appear in front of the player during the “Eye of the Storm” mission.
  • Fixed an issue where the “Three Captains” mission would automatically complete after being accepted from Sonya Kalyna.
  • Addressed an issue where players could not complete the mission “Shift Change” if they did not talk to Jumper at WPS after killing Hog’s squad.
  • Fixed an issue where Zakhar Babay and Akopyan could end up dead or missing, preventing them from completing the mission “Deceive the Deceiver”
  • Fixed an issue where players could still ask Beard about missing guards after killing guards in the mission “Shock Therapy”
  • Fixed an issue where the mission “Just Like the Good Old Days” could not be continued if the player exited the shelter base via the roof route.
  • Addressed an issue where Strider would instantly despawn near the doctor’s hut after completing the “Dark Times” mission.
  • Addressed an issue where the objective “Find a way to Prypiat” was not completed if the player reached Prypiat via a shortcut during the mission “The Border”
  • Fixed an issue with a missing encounter mission at a checkpoint near the Icarus camp.
  • Fixed an issue where Hosha Mohyla could kill players with a single shot during the “Answers Come at a Price” mission.
  • The number of rats at the unloading terminal during the mission “The Road to the Foundation” has been reduced.
  • An issue where rainy weather persisted for the rest of the game after completing the mission “The Boundary” has been fixed.
  • Addressed an issue where multiple stashes, markers, and diary targets were not completed/removed after completing the mission “Budmo!”
  • Addressed an issue where Pomor could die during the mission “The Poppy Field”
  • Fixed an issue where an aggressive Strider was present near the doctor’s house after a cutscene during the mission “An Act of Mercy”
  • Fixed an issue where Warden guards near the fence would not react when the player sneaked up on them during the mission “Answers Come at a Price”.
  • Addressed an issue where corpses with important quest items could disappear during the missions Bullseye and Shift Change
  • Fixed an issue where Strider was dead/missing during the mission Extreme Simplicity
  • Addressed an issue where the psi effect applied to the player did not disappear after completing the mission “A Light at the End of the Tunnel”.
  • Addressed an issue where the objective “Talk to Chornozem” would fail from the start, and picking up the PDA from Chornozem’s body in the mission “Answers Have a Price” would not progress.
  • Addressed an issue where Dark would not help the player fight the pseudogiant, blocking progress in the “Legends of the Zone” mission.
  • Addressed an issue where the player could not interact with Shcherba during the mission “In the Name of Science”.
  • Fixed an issue where a cutscene with Scar in the sawmill during the mission Back to the Slag Heap did not start correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where Skif could die from a bleeding effect after the boss fight cutscene with Korshunov in the mission Down Below
  • Fixed an issue where the description of the ward branch was displayed in the PDA during the Strelok branch of the mission journal entry in Down Below
  • Fixed an issue where the player could not give the briefcase to Sultan after quickly killing the stalkers in the ambush during the mission The Mysterious Case
  • Fixed an issue where Mercenary squads would not spawn on the way back from Faust’s cell during the “Just Like the Good Old Days” mission.
  • Fixed an issue where optional journal objectives for the Ward/Spark fight would remain active if a side died due to emissions during the “Extreme Simplicity” mission.
  • Fixed Dr. Kryvenko getting stuck during the mission “A Long Overdue Visit”
  • Removed the ability to use a guide during the mission “The Frontier” while an attack is in progress.
  • Addressed an issue where a judge would appear absent or dead during the missions “To the Last Drop of Blood”, “A Small Incident” and “The Border”
  • Addressed an issue where some sentences were missing from the final dialog during the mission “On the Edge”.
  • Addressed an issue where Dalin could get stuck in one location during the mission “Visions of Truth”.
  • Fixed an issue where the objective “Return to Gaffer” could not be completed during the mission “On the Edge”.
  • The issue with the infinite reward from Gaffer during the mission “On the Edge” has been fixed.
  • Fixed an issue where NPCs would block the entrance during the “On the Edge” mission.
  • Fixed an issue where Gaffer could leave the building and start fighting during the “On the Edge” mission.
  • Fixed an issue where multiple warlock NPCs could be present in the Clubhouse during the “On the Edge” mission.
  • Fixed an issue where some monolithic NPCs would not attack the player during the “An Act of Mercy” mission.
  • Addressed an issue where Dalin Ozersky’s body could not be examined during the Visions of Truth mission.
  • Corrected the logic of Scar’s radio messages after the boss fight with Faust.
  • Fixed an issue where the player received an infinite amount of psi-effects after completing the mission “A Light at the End of the Tunnel”.
  • Addressed an issue where monolith troops would not spawn after activating the power station during the mission “Happiness for Everyone”
  • Fixed an issue where Sgt. Metlov was missing from the location called Diode during the mission “Back to the Slag Heap”
  • Addressed an issue where Skipper’s squad of mercenaries would not attack the player when returning the emitter to Lodochka during the mission “Just Like the Good Old Days”.
  • Fixed an issue where Scherba would be missing during the emission in Dvupalov’s office in the mission “In Search of Past Glory”.
  • Addressed an issue where the player was unable to progress through the “Dangerous Liaisons” mission if the decoder was sold.
  • Fixed an issue where the player could not interact with Dvupalov to get the silencer blueprint during the mission “In Search of Past Glory”
  • Fixed an issue where the player could softlock during the mission “Dangerous Liaisons”
  • Addressed an issue where mercenary squads would spawn near the Brain Scorcher spawn, directly in front of the player, after accepting a mission to collect collars from Shcherba.
  • Fixed an issue where players could get stuck behind two NPCs in Zalissya’s Lair during the mission “Race Against Death”
  • Addressed an issue where players were unable to talk to Dvupalov or Scherba to return the silencer during the “Seeking Past Glory” mission.
  • Fixed an issue where Dr. Kaymanov and Strider could despawn during the mission “An Act of Mercy”
  • Fixed an issue where the objective “Fight off the Monolith assault” could become stuck during the mission “The Boundary”
  • Fixed an issue where the missions “A Big Heist” and “Outwit the Outwiter” could be started twice and had conflicting objectives.
  • Fixed an issue where Prof. Lodochka was unresponsive in the toxic waste storage during the mission “Hot on the Trail”
  • Addressed an issue where bandits would start fighting at the Slagheap if the player escorted Zakhar Babay after the emission in the mission “Deceive the Deceiver”
  • Addressed an issue where the objective “Deliver the instruments to Mykolayich” after talking to Gaffer in the mission “On the Edge” would fail.
  • Addressed an issue where Ricochet would die in Zalissya’s house after the second monolith wave during “On the Edge”
  • Fixed an issue where meeting the objective of completing the request without killing the Monolithians would fail after meeting Monolithians during the mission “An Act of Mercy”
  • Fixed an issue where Monolith troopers could spawn in front of the player during the “Visions of Truth” mission.
  • Addressed an issue where friendly NPCs could get stuck in one place during the mission “The Assault on the Duga”.
  • Fixed the appearance of NPC mercenaries in inaccessible areas during the Legends of the Zone mission.
  • Fixed an issue where some zombies could get stuck in a resting state during the boss fight with Scar.
  • Improved Korshunov’s AI behavior during the boss fight with him.
  • Improved Korshunov’s shield during the boss fight with him.
  • Increased Korshunov’s armor during the boss fight with him.
  • Adjusted the health of Colonel Korshunov during the boss fight in the mission Down Below
  • Improved Scar’s targeting behavior during the boss fight with him.
  • Fixed an issue where Strelok could rush out of the playable area of the arena and block the boss fight with him during the mission “The Eternal Shining”
  • Fixed an issue where Faust’s clones could be transparent during a boss fight if the “Object Details” graphics option was set to low.
  • Addressed an issue where the “Talk to Korshunov” phase could get stuck if the player returned to Korshunov by elevator during the “Visions of Truth” mission.
  • Addressed an issue where the chase could not continue after interacting with Borodulin while he was moving to the chase location.
  • Addressed an issue where Strider could block the entrance to the warehouse during the “Hot on the Trail” mission.
  • Fixed an issue where Scar was missing from the Rostok Depot during the “Deliver the emitter to Scar” phase of the “Just Like Old Times” mission.
  • Addressed an issue where the Monolithians could not spawn if the player escaped from the X-5 laboratory during the “In Search of Past Glory” mission.
  • Addressed an issue where Korshunov could get stuck during the boss fight.

Fixed over 300 issues with main story quests.

Side Missions and Encounters

  • Fixed an issue where the player could use the services of the tour guide for free.
  • Fixed an issue where NPCs from car thief encounters would become hostile after the player ran away and returned to them.
  • Fixed an issue where a player could not accept the Just Business mission from Carl Clinch if they were healed during the mission.
  • Fixed an issue where NPCs could teleport during dialogue after a fight in a Wild Territory encounter.
  • Improved rodent spawning in open world encounter near Rostok.
  • Fixed an issue that could affect Scientist faction upon completing the Black Sheep side mission.
  • Added new notes in the open world and in the nodes.
  • Fixed inconsistencies in rewards for repeatable missions.
  • Fixed an issue where travel options were not available in the dialog with the travel guide in the Noon base.
  • Fixed narrative inconsistencies with loudspeaker announcements in Skadovsk.
  • Fixed narrative inconsistencies with encounter missions available after the monolith comeback.
  • Fixed an issue where an encounter mission restricted to the Spark branch could be started in the Ward branch after completing the mission “In Search of Past Glory”.
  • Increased the value of the loot for the stash near the Bloodsucker village in the Industrial Zone region.
  • Addressed an issue where repeatable missions could get stuck in the Journal tab, preventing other repeatable quests from appearing in dialogues with merchants.
  • Fixed an issue where the Malachite Hub could become locked for players on Spark Branch after completing the mission “Visions of Truth”
  • Level design improvements for encounters near Rookie Village.
  • Addressed an issue where, during the “Key to Freedom” mission, if the door to the Prisoners’ Room was opened during the fight, players could not start a dialogue with Zhenya Hulk near the fish farm.
  • Addressed an issue where Kostya Dry’s body was missing after the player ran away and returned to their observation point during a fight near Duga.
  • Fixed an issue where Pseudodog could not spawn his phantoms during the mission Arena: Round Two
  • Addressed an issue where players could loot armor and helmets from dead NPCs during the The Key to Freedom mission.
  • Addressed an issue where players could get stuck in the building after fast traveling to Malachite with a guide.
  • Addressed an issue where guides were missing at Yaniv Station after the player had already arrived in Pripyat.
  • Addressed an issue where you could get multiple shotgun shells during the “The Freedom Colosseum” mission.
  • Addressed an issue where the NPC would not search for the player character during the fight in the arena.
  • Addressed an issue where the doors to STC Malachite would close when entering during the mission “A Minor Incident”
  • Fixed an issue where peaceful NPCs would remain in the STC Malachite during combat in the mission “Visions of Truth” (Spark branch).
  • Fixed an issue where the voiceover line for Skif’s line in dialog with guide NPCs was not playing.
  • Fixed an issue where two groups of bandits would not enter combat in the encounter between the Toxic Hole and Provisions Cache locations.

With an additional 130+ anomalies discovered and neutralized.

The Zone

Interactive Objects and Zone Experience

  • Level design improvements for Wild Territory interactive doors, Rostok.
  • Level graphics improvements for destructible medical crates.
  • Added missing icon for weapon damage state on weapons dropped by NPCs.
  • Fixed an issue where Bow Artifacts could respawn after refreshing the player’s rank.
  • The loot for the stash near the Hydrodynamics Lab has been rebalanced.
  • Fixed an issue where some artifact models were overexposed.
  • Fixed an issue where Burner Anomalies could deal damage to a player when unloaded.
  • Fixed an issue where the Strange Cauldron Arch Artefact was applying a permanent Psychic effect to the player instead of a temporary one.
  • Fixed a bug where corpses could remain in A-pose for several seconds during the mission “Wishful Thinking”
  • Fixed a bug where the first destructible wooden board was always destroyed without effects.
  • Addressed an issue where the door to the Red Fortress tunnel would close after using a key during the “Just Business” mission
  • Addressed an issue where fake psi artifacts would not despawn after save/load.
  • Improved the low-level jump mechanics for artifacts.
  • Fixed an issue where the vortex anomaly could damage the player in the area of Yaniv Station.

In addition, more than 30 other issues have been identified and fixed.

Player Equipment and Status

  • Fixed an issue where the character’s hands would be placed incorrectly after the character was moved by an ejection anomaly while examining artifacts.
  • Corrected the availability of opening locked doors with grenades.
  • Corrected the consumption of grenades when switching to a weapon immediately after throwing it.
  • Corrected the grenade disappearing when throwing it at your own feet.
  • Added parkour animation from a crouch.
  • Fixed Razor Blade anomaly damage when already outside the anomaly.
  • Added NPC death animations from anomalies.
  • Fixed the problem where the automatic leaning and sitting movements were triggered by small trees and bushes.
  • Fixed the problem where the character did not always make automatic leaning movements over obstacles.
  • Improved synchronization of NPC steps.
  • Fixed an issue with modified movement keybindings that prevented players from climbing the ladder.
  • Fixed an issue where the psy effect was not removed after leaving the psy damage area.
  • Fixed an issue where the player could become immortal during the game.
  • Fixed an issue where dropped NPC corpses could collide with surrounding objects.
  • Fixed the ability to skip the reload animation.
  • Added a cancel function for the reload animation of weapons with under-barrel thrower attachments.
  • Adjusted the acceleration of the player after sprinting from a standing start.
  • Fixed an issue where phantoms could kill normal NPCs with a grenade.
  • Reduced the number of default artifact slots available for the X7 suit.
  • Fixed an issue where the position of the upgrade slots on the Bulwark Exosuit was reversed.
  • Fixed inconsistencies in the upgrade tree for the PA-7 gas mask.
  • The available upgrades for the PSZ-5D Universal Protection Armor Suit have been rebalanced.

In addition, more than 50 bugs have been fixed.

Player Management and Settings

  • Bug fixed: Map tooltips did not include region descriptions.
  • Bug fixed: Map zoom via gamepad.
  • Bug fixed: Dimming effect in inventory and in the item selection.
  • Fixed an issue where, in some cases, technicians would not display installed upgrades.
  • Fixed issues with the ammo counter not being visible on the HUD.
  • Fixed the Grenade Launcher’s firing mode not being displayed in the inventory under the barrel.
  • Fixed not receiving a notification on the HUD when discovering new stashes.
  • Fixed an issue where, under certain conditions, players could not drag and drop items into the loot or stash windows when using a gamepad.
  • Fixed not updating the caliber on the HUD after upgrading the weapon caliber with a technician.
  • Fixed not being able to skip a cutscene with the correct button when subtitles are disabled while using a gamepad.
  • Fixed: “Track” status is present for completed missions in the “Completed” tab of the Journal.
  • Fixed: display of time and equalizer in the audiolog file.
  • Fixed missing mouse cursor in the accessory selection when equipped with the shotgun.
  • Fixed non-functional controls for the MSI Claw A1M.
  • Added Razer Chroma Illumination effects for supported devices.
  • Added Razer Sensa haptic effects for supported devices.
  • Added Journal and Notes button mapping options. Changed default button mappings for left and right tilt.
  • Fixed issue where the new grenade/bolt throw keybinds would not work.
  • Fixed missing flashlight keybind in keybinds.
  • Fixed an issue where the speaker name UI would not resize when the subtitles were resized.
  • Fixed an issue where the establish safe house mission phase would not complete if the player entered the safe house during the emissary.
  • Added an animation for changing the firing mode when the element selection is open.
  • Fixed an issue where input was lost when the enemy shot at the player while in the inventory.
  • Increased the duration of the “Point of no return” message.
  • Improved the UX in the upgrade menu.
  • Fixed an issue where the ammo counter for grenades was not displayed.

And fixed more than 120 other bugs.

Regions and Locations

  • Fixed several issues where the player could get stuck in the X-17 lab.
  • Fixed an issue where players could soft-lock at the cooling tower location.
  • Fixed an issue where NPCs could reach and die inside a burning tank at the Sphere location.
  • Added teleportation anomalies in the Old Barge and Fishing Hamlet areas.
  • Fixed an issue where a protection marker would appear on an inaccessible building when starting the emission in the Red Forest area.
  • Removed several invalid artifact spawners and anomalies
  • Fixed weather system issues after exiting the Pripyat area.
  • Aesthetic/visual improvements to several locations and areas.
  • Level design and terrain improvements for several locations and regions.
  • The placement of foliage in several locations has been adjusted
  • Lighting improvements for several locations.
  • Optimized the collision for several objects in several locations.
  • Fixed foliage being in view after loading a save game.
  • Fixed an issue where the player could leave the playable area between the Cordon and Zaton regions.
  • Fixed an issue where Monolithians would spawn in the safe zone in Zalissya.
  • Adjusted the positions of anomalies at the Scrap Processing Station location.
  • Corrected the range of some targets on the map.
  • Updated the stash inventory in the Cordon region.
  • Added artifact spawn in the electric field in the SIIRCA data center.
  • Fixed an issue where the sound effects for the ducks were missing.
  • Polished glass and stucco materials in the open world.

A total of over 450 improvements were made in this section.

Audio, cutscenes, and voice acting


  • Fixed an issue where both elevator buttons were interactive during the cutscene with Korshunov in the mission The Last Step
  • Fixed an issue where Agatha’s model would disappear when dialogue options appeared in a cutscene during the mission “Wishful Thinking”
  • Fixed an issue where videos were not playing on the screen wall displays during the “Dangerous Liaisons” mission for PC Microsoft Store players.
  • Fixed an issue with missing haptic feedback in several cutscenes
  • Fixed disappearing hair on various NPCs in several cutscenes

And fixed some other things.

Voiceover and localization

  • Improved idle facial animations for NPCs.
  • Updated NPC animations in various dialogues.
  • Improved facial animations for several key story NPCs.
  • Fixed English voiceover playing for UA localization during the carjacking in Buryakivka.
  • Fixed voice acting synchronization during the dialog with the judge in the mission The Boundary
  • Fixed disparity in subtitles and voice acting during the first dialog with Strider in the mission Hot on the Trail
  • Minor correction to Serbian localization in dialogue phrase.
  • Minor corrections to several localizations

With over 25 additional issues addressed.

Sound and Music

  • Reworked the sound effects of the Carousel Anomaly.
  • Fixed an issue where the Clicker Anomaly was not audible at close range.
  • Changed the sound of damage done by some anomalies to better reflect the type of damage being taken.
  • Fixed an issue where Poltergeist sounds would play after loading a savegame created after killing him during the “There and Back Again” mission.
  • Reworked the sound effects for opening the weapon selection menu.
  • Fixed an issue where mutants were too loud at long distances.
  • Reworked sound effects for opening the weapon selection menu.
  • Slightly improved audio quality when occluding weapon sounds.
  • Improved audio environment in more than 10 locations and regions. […] […] […] […]

    Of course, even after this major patch, the developers are still far from finished with Stalker 2. Even before the release, they announced that they would be working on a multiplayer mode and official mod support after the release.