Star Citizen: 13 tips on how to start the game that the MMO won”t tell you


Star Citizen”s space is almost endless. To help you find your way around the Stanton system, we offer help in the form of a guide with expert tips.

Thank you for choosing “GlobalESportNews Spacetravel“. The flight time to Stanton is three hours. As a special service, we offer our passengers a small guidebook to help them get started in Stanton and reduce an early and dramatic demise by 2.45 percent. Please be sure to observe the respective planetary jurisdiction and follow the instructions of the security personnel. Have a wonderful stay in Stanton. Your team from “GlobalESportNews Spacetravel” … down we always come!

When Star Citizen is eventually finished, this is probably how it will go in the space MMO when you access a guide to the game. But until then, you”ll have to put up with the traditional tips method: We had a frequent Star Citizen player compile 13 practical tips for beginners in text form. Who is this expert? See for yourself:

Before you enter the spaceport

The journey from the hotel to the spaceport can take some time. It”s good to take care of a few things early to save a lot of time and legwork. These tips will help you:

Tip 1: Stock up on basic necessities. This includes drinks, dry food, healthy fruit or a tasty hot dog. The towns and stations in Stanton are home to numerous shops with a wide range of food for every taste.

Tip 2: For self-protection, gun shops offer firearms, attachments and ammunition for purchase. Pay attention to the different sizes of the attachments, which must fit the respective weapon.
Defensibility also includes basic medical equipment. Every city and space station has a hospital where there are various devices for self-healing that you can buy at the corresponding purchase terminals. Of course, you can also heal or stabilise other injured people with a med-pen or med-gun. Pay attention to the dosage of the medication.

(Only a few planets can be entered without a helmet.)
(Only a few planets can be entered without a helmet.)

Tip 3: Of course you can get into your spaceship with a pair of trousers and a T-shirt. But at the latest during a walk in space or a deep breath in the poisoned and hot atmosphere of the moon Aberdeen, everyone becomes aware of the insufficient protection of textiles. Therefore, you should never forget to take at least one Spacesuit and a helmet To survive enemy fire or a cold/hot atmosphere for a longer period of time, armour is advisable. Armour consists of the following components and can be freely combined for the most part:

  • (Helmet): Allows breathing in a life-threatening environment and provides protection against rain. If the visor freezes or fogs up, you can use your hand to clear it (Alt Left + X).
  • (Torso Armour): Provides storage, protection and the ability to attach ammunition, weapons, glow lights, med pens and backpacks to the torso.
  • (Armour): Provides protection and looks good.
  • (Leg Armour): Besides a small inventory, this piece of armour also offers some protection.

(Armour provides its own inventory.)
(Armour provides its own inventory.)

You can have all purchased items delivered directly to your bags, to your spaceship or to your local inventory. To do this, you must select the delivery location at the top left of the purchase terminal. If an item cannot be purchased even though it is available for selection, you have selected a delivery location that has too small an inventory. An assault rifle does not fit in a trouser pocket.

Spaceport checklist

When you reach the spaceport, you shouldn”t just order your spaceship into the hangar and fly off. Preparations are the be-all and end-all of successful spaceflight. The following checklist will help you avoid the typical beginner mistakes and save you time.

    Check out

  • Mobiglas to find out about possible jobs in advance. Then decide on a suitable spaceship for the job.
  • Use the Mobiglas to adjust the modules of the ship. Changing the armament, shields and other modules is only possible if the ship is not in a hangar.
  • Check if all required items are in the ship”s inventory.
    Important items include food, space suit with helmet, handguns, ammunition and medicine.
  • Reduce the thrust of your ship before take-off. This gives you more time to react if your ship doesn”t go where you want it to go.
  • To leave the hangar, you must radio the tower and ask for permission to take off. Only then will the heavy hangar door be opened. You can reach the tower via mobiglass or via one of the screens on your spaceship. It is easier if you set up a hotkey for clearance in the menu.
  • Depending on the atmosphere, there can be strong winds. So be prepared for your ship to suddenly drift after passing the hangar door.

Congratulations! You managed to leave the spaceport without wiping out half the ground crew with an explosion of your spaceship. Please follow the rest of the advice and tips for a carefree flight.

Flight through the Stanton system made easy

There are many stumbling blocks that can make your first flights through Stanton unnecessarily difficult. The following ten tips and tricks will help you avoid the typical beginner problems and save you a lot of frustration:

  1. If you forget something you absolutely need in your ship”s inventory, you don”t necessarily have to land. Fly close to the station where your item is located, open the local inventory and drag the item into your ship”s inventory.
  2. If you see “out of stock “ on the sales terminal, you have selected the wrong inventory for delivery.
  3. Once you”ve landed on a station or spaceport and logged out, you”ll wake up in a hotel when you log in there.
    Handy if you want to save yourself the train rides on a planet and wake up on the station in orbit instead.
  4. When your character dies, their consciousness is transferred to a genetic copy of their body. You can choose where the body should be restored. To do this, you use an insurance terminal in the hospital of your choice and select this place as your recovery location.

    (In hospitals you can set your spawn point.)
    (In hospitals you can set your spawn point.)

    1. The local inventory is indeed local. You can only access the items locally. If you want to use the awesome assault rifle stored on a distant moon, you have to move there too.
    2. Depending on the location, you can find new orders in your Mobiglas or other weapons and items in the shops. Keeping your eyes open can be worthwhile. 
    3. In the countless outposts and mission areas you will find crates that you can loot. So if you visit an outpost on a planet or moon, you should risk a look, as you can also find rare items. By the way, you can move your loot into the local inventory, then go to your spaceship and put the stuff into your ship inventory there. However, this does not work in a mission area. There you should have a backpack with you.
    4. The more missions you do for an organisation or a person, the better your reputation will be and you will get better missions, which are more dangerous, but also bring in more. You can check your reputation in Mobiglas.
    5. Always close the outer doors of your ship when you leave it. Pirates are always lurking everywhere and they like to steal alien ships with valuable cargo.
    6. If you are imprisoned in Klescher Prison due to a tragic miscarriage of justice, you can not only shorten your stay in prison through hard work, but also break out. If you break out, however, you will keep your Crimestat and will only be welcome on the GrimHex space station from now on.

      (Being a pirate is fun, but it has its consequences.)
      (Being a pirate is fun, but it has its consequences.)

      What is a Crimestat?

      Criminal acts in Star Citizen lead to an increase in your own wanted level. Criminal acts are murder, damage to other people”s property or the fulfilment of dubious orders.
      From a certain wanted level, NPCs and players who earn their money as bounty hunters hunt down the criminal. If the criminal is caught and killed, he wakes up in a high-security prison on the moon Aberdeen. There the prisoner must serve his sentence in real time. He can shorten this by completing missions, working in the mines or attempting an escape.
      There are only two ways to lose your Crimestat. Either you serve your sentence or you break into a security station, hack your criminal record and erase your Crimestat.

      Help beyond the Stanton System

      Dedicated citizens offer various services to simplify daily life in Stanton. We are happy to mention two external possibilities as examples

      1. (Star Citizen Blackmarket): Here you can order items and weapons that are given to you on GrimHex in exchange for ingame money. This saves you the long search for rarities.
      2. (Erkul): On these pages you will find a complete overview of ships, modules and where to buy them. You can also use a configurator to display the effects of modules on your ship.