Star Citizen: 9 minute leak shows more of Squadron 42 than we’ve seen in years


The Squadron 42 solo campaign has been a long time coming. Now a new leak shows nine minutes of heaps of in-engine footage from the project.

Timed to the 10th anniversary of Star Citizen, there is news about the highly anticipated Squadron 42 single player campaign – but not from the official side. A leak shows us over nine minutes of video footage of the game.

What to see? 

The leaked footage is said to be just under a year old and therefore does not reflect the current state of Squadron 42. Nevertheless, the scenes already look quite promising. Especially since they are all supposed to be in-engine shots and not post-rendered sequences. You can watch the leaked video on YouTube. 

  • Environments: The leak shows us atmospheric planets, futuristic interior buildings and a few spaceships to boot. 
  • Space battle: At the end of the video we can see a large-scale battle in space. Whether these scenes will ultimately be playable in Squadron 42 or just consist of cutscenes is still unclear. 
  • Actors: We can marvel at the in-game heads of some actors involved in the project in the video. For example, we see Liam Cunningham, best known as Daavos Seewerth from Game of Thrones. These are not the only faces with recognition value in Squadron 42. In the following gallery you can find more actors who will appear in the single player: 

The last time there was anywhere near this much cohesive video footage of Squadron 42 released was in late 2019, when there was a so-called visual teaser for the campaign that had a comparable style.

What is the current status of Squadron 42?

We still know very little about Squadron 42 from the official side. Star Citizen boss Chris Roberts also doesn’t want to commit to a release date. Rumour has it that the release could be another two years away, but in Roberts’ open letter in May it sounded like the project was in the final stages of development.