Star Citizen: The biggest update in 5 years is coming this week – all info on Alpha 3.18


The release of Star Citizen 3.18 is in the starting blocks. There hasn”t been an update this thick since the end of 2017.

What a great week for SciFi fans! After Bethesda recently revealed the launch date of Starfield, the release of Star Citizen 3.18 is now in the starting blocks. And it”s quite something – in fact, the update is set to be the biggest since late 2017, but best see for yourself.

The most important info on Star Citizen 3.18

Release: When will the new update be released?

There is currently no concrete release date for Star Citizen 3.18. The developer studio Cloud Imperium Games usually keeps a low profile when it comes to exact dates. What is certain is that: Star Citizen will enter Alpha 3.18 this week and since there aren”t too many days left, it should be soon.

Download: How big will Update 3.18 be?

Fans of the sci-fi simulation will also have to be patient regarding the download size of Star Citizen 3.18. We will know more as soon as the update is available.

Content: What”s in the new update?

Alpha 3.18 is touted as the biggest update in almost five years. But what exactly is in the new version of Star Citizen anyway? A detailed overview is available (on the official website of the developers) – we have summarized the most important information for you as follows.

Will that be enough? Peter has already taken a more critical look at Star Citizen 2023. Why for him the big space dream for this year has already been shattered!

A big problem is to be solved: The so-called Persistent Entity Streaming will allow all objects to exist in parallel on all servers in the future. In concrete terms, this means that players will no longer lose ships and loot if they suddenly lose the connection. Previously, it was absolutely necessary to find the way back to the same server after a disconnect, which could sometimes lead to frustration.

New ship, new job: With the Drake Vulture there is not only a new spaceship, but also a new job. In Alpha 3.18, players can earn their living as a space junk collector.
A new multi-tool serves as a tool and the Drake Vulture as a single-seater spaceship for the Salvage & Repair job. The previously available Aegis Reclaimer, meanwhile, is getting an update so that the ship can also be used to dismantle and sell old material.

What else version 3.18 delivers: Apart from that, Star Citizen players can look forward to new prison tasks and side missions, the return of the security outpost Kareah and improvements for the Siege of Orison event. Planets will also get new rivers, caves and so on.

Wipe with Alpha 3.18: Faithful Star Citizen fans should also prepare for another wipe with the new update. This means that all content that was not purchased with real money will disappear into video game nirvana. During the last wipe, Cloud Imperium Games always compensated the affected players with in-game currency.

Star Citizen is, of course, the focus of much discussion. Not everyone believes that the sci-fi project worth hundreds of millions can live up to the high expectations, let alone ever get finished.