Star Trek Infinite: This is what the new Stellaris looks like with Picard and Klingons


This is not only reminiscent of Stellaris, this is Stellaris: The new 4X global strategy with Star Trek licence officially uses the engine of Paradox’ space hit in the trailer.

Doppelgangers and time travel are nothing special in Star Trek anymore. Nevertheless, some fans will be surprised when they see the first pictures and the gameplay video of the new 4X strategy game Star Trek: Infinite. Because it looks like the spitting image of Stellaris!

No wonder, because as already suspected at the announcement at the Summer Game Fest, Infinite uses the Stellaris engine. With the official blessing of publisher Paradox Entertainment, who showed the game in motion today at the so-called Picard Day.

The company also released lots of screenshots, which we have prepared for you in our gallery:

What does Star Trek: Infinite have to offer?

Mechanically, Infinite is very similar to its predecessor. Like in Stellaris, you zoom from a galaxy overview map down to the solar system view or observe your spaceships from close range in the battles that run automatically.

You establish colonies on planets, collect raw materials, research new technologies and build spaceships. Diplomacy also plays an important role, you can negotiate with other star empires. The Stellaris-typical events also find their way into the game and planets are managed as in the original, including a pop system for the population.

At launch, Star Trek: Infinite includes the four races known from the TV series “Star Trek: The Next Generation”: Federation, Klingons, Romulans and Cardassians. The Borg have already been shown in an earlier trailer and will probably appear as a mid/end-game crisis:

Who is developing Star Trek: Infinite?

Nimble Giant Entertainment is the developer of Star Trek: Infinite. The studio last gained experience in the genre in 2016, when the South Americans released the Master of Orion reboot for Wargaming, Inc. Today, the game stands at 75 percent positive reviews on Steam.

When will Star Trek: Infinite be released?

The release is scheduled for autumn 2023, there is no exact date yet.

What do you think of the gameplay reveal of Star Trek: Infinite? Did you expect it to be the same or are you surprised by the parallels to Stellaris? And are you looking forward to the release or do you prefer to continue playing Stellaris mods like New Horizons and New Civilizations? Drop us a line in the comments