Star Wars fans want DLC for Kotor 2 so badly they’re going to court for it


Aspyr and Saber have since cancelled the once-promised DLC for Kotor 2, but many fans are still angry weeks later. Some are now taking the matter to court.

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic – The Sith Lords, or Kotor 2 for short, stirs the hearts of many Star Wars fans in many ways. It is loved, often still criticized today as unfinished and now unfortunately also mourned.

Because a celebrated announcement of the version for the Nintendo Switch turned into disappointment: fans are now moving to court, from their point of view, to get their right: the Restored Content DLC Ultimately, however, the project will probably result in refunds, but let us explain.

Right to a full experience, after nearly 20 years

Aspyr Media and Saber Interactive once promised to re-deliver Restored Content Mod content as DLC for all buyers of the Switch version of Kotor 2. This was supposed to officially complete the classic game, which was incomplete due to too little development time at the time, after all these years. But the developers publicly buried these plans in June 2023, just under a year after the release of the Switch version.

What did the developers offer? All buyers of Kotor 2 for the Switch were allowed to pick a key for another Star Wars game on the Switch. Alternatively, there was a chance to get the Steam version of the game. For this, the said mod is free to download and install.

What do the plaintiffs want? From the heart, the vast majority would probably most like to simply have the DLC on their Switch. But the lawsuit is primarily about a full refund of the purchase amount, as well as a condemnation of Aspyr and Saber for their behavior, which is perceived as false advertising or even fraud.

Many, according to the letter, would have refrained from purchasing the title for the Switch had it not been for the DLC plans. And quite a few, according to the letter, wouldn’t have even started the title because of this perceived lack.

Deadline: First reactions from the court are expected by October 4. For those interested in all the details of the lawsuit, (find them here as a PDF).

More than just a DLC

What is the Restored Content Mod? It is much more than a simple modification. It’s virtually the way to experience Kotor 2 as it was probably once designed by Obsidian on the drawing board. Apart from tons of content, such as quests, locations and dialogs, including a better ending, the project also fixes various bugs and improves numerous aspects of the now aging title.

If you want to learn more, it’s best to take a look (here on the official site), or read our older summary of the project through. Since then, however, a lot has happened and updates have been released that have upgraded the mod again.

Not Kotor 2 and not for the Switch, but maybe Star Wars Outlaws from Ubisoft 2024 will be an experience for all fans. After all, we’ll probably have to wait a long time, if not forever, for the Kotor remake. It’s on hold, after all, or will appear in 2025 at best.

Are you still mourning the DLC for the Switch version? Or was this version never interesting for you anyway, since the content is available for free on the PC and now even simply via workshop on Steam? Do you think the fans will achieve anything for themselves or even beyond that? Feel free to write us your opinion and thoughts about it in the comments!