Star Wars: The fan remake of a legendary lightsaber duel generates enthusiasm


The confrontation between Anakin and Obi-Wan in Episode 3 has now been remade by fans with a Clone Wars animation look and has been met with a lot of love in the community

The Star Wars prequel trilogy has received something of a belated love from the fan community in recent years. The main reason for this is probably the mostly controversial episodes 7 to 9. However, since its theatrical release in May 2005, Episode 3 has been considered the best of the prequel films. This is partly due to the legendary lightsaber duel between Anakin and Obi-Wan.

This confrontation has now been re-enacted by fans. But we’re not talking about amateurishly filmed real-life scenes in which youngsters fight each other with home-made lightsabers

No, rather the makers of the 15-minute short film have imitated the look of the popular animated series The Clone Wars – with success.

This is truly legendary

Clone Wars: Battle of the Heroes shows the final 15 minutes of Episode 3 in a whole new light. From the aforementioned duel on Mustafar to Darth Vader’s first breaths and the birth of Luke and Leia – the fan film leaves nothing out

Optically, what is shown looks in many moments very similar to the original Clone Wars series. Only in the animations, especially in the fight between Anakin and Obi-Wan, can it be seen here and there that capable hands were at work, but not those of Lucasfilm.

There is also comparison material. In season 7, some scenes from episode 3 were also recreated in animation style:

The fans are still totally out of their minds. In the YouTube comments are statements like This is what Star Wars is all about!  or This is truly legendary! and My God, this is unbelievable! Not an isolated case. And there’s even high praise from a very prominent source.

Because the content creator Star Wars Theory with over 3.3 million subscribers worldwide has also left a comment. And it is also euphoric:

By far one of the best Star Wars fan films I’ve ever seen. Really well done, guys.
Star Wars belongs to the fans.

How do you like the fan short film? Like many of the YouTube commenters, do you really like the look of The Clone Wars or were you put off by the look of the series? Looking back, do you have a lot to like about the prequel trilogy or do you still despise it? We’d love to hear your opinion, so feel free to write it in the comments!