Star Wars: Why ten-year-old Old Republic trailers are creating a buzz right now

Star Wars Old Republic Remake


For the 10th anniversary of Star Wars: The Old Republic, the spectacular cinematics are being re-released in 4K. We collect all the videos.

Even if you’ve never played Star Wars: The Old Republic yourself: You’ll definitely know the elaborate cinematic trailers, which are almost short films in their own right. And it is precisely these videos that are now being reissued for the tenth anniversary of the online role-playing game – including 4K resolution! For many fans, this is a great journey into the past, which we naturally want to share with you.

The trailers will gradually be uploaded to the official SWTOR YouTube channel. We will collect all the videos and then list them for you here in this overview in chronological order. So far, two new releases have been released.

All re-released trailers of SWTOR


This trailer was originally released on June 1, 2009, before the release of Star Wars: The Old Republic. The remake looks fantastic and makes the action look that much more massive:

What’s the video about? You’re watching the Sith Empire attack the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Old Republic aficionados will immediately recognise the famous Darth Malgus, who wields his lightsaber against Jedi Master Ven Zallow.

Watch the video in 4K: The link will take you directly to Youtube:


The six-plus minute video, which shows a fierce battle between Jedi and Sith, first appeared on June 6, 2011, about six months before the game’s release.

What is the video about? Although the video appeared later than the first trailer, it shows events before the attack on Coruscant. Namely, the recapture of Korriban by the Sith Empire. Jedi Satele Shan and Kao Cen Darach fight Darth Malgus and his master Darth Vindican.

Watch the video in 4K: The link will take you directly to Youtube:

How do you like the new trailers of SWTOR? Are you looking forward to the rest of the videos? Feel free to let us know in the comments