Starfield: Even before release, this fan builds a spaceship that wows even Bethesda


In Bethesda’s role-playing game you will be able to design your own spaceships according to your wishes. A fan impresses with his own design

The games from Skyrim developers Bethesda have always been known for giving us as much freedom as possible in where we want to go and what we want to do. In Starfield however, this feature reaches new heights: Not only do we get to explore entire planets, we can also craft our very own ship and fly it into space.

After the big gameplay showcase in June, many players can now hardly wait for the big role-playing game. One diligent fan is even already doing a lot of work and designing his own spaceship, which even Bethesda is impressed by.

Ritterschlag per Tweet

It’s no secret that the developers of Starfield are always on the subreddit about their game and closely follow the reactions of the fans. Already last year they had answered fan questions in their own videos.

But the fact that the official Starfield Twitter account picks up on individual posts is a unique affair so far:

The design he had built in the 3D software Blender was already shown by Reddit user Its_all_pixels a few days ago in the Starfield subreddit If you compare the spaceship with the recently shown Starfield gameplay, you will immediately notice the great similarities. It fits quite well with the Nasapunk style Bethesda is aiming for, and could almost appear like this in the game.

     Custom Starfield inspired ship built in Blender, 99% of exterior textures complete but had to take some beauty shots
by      u/Its_all_pixels in     Starfield  

Its_all_pixels also commented on Bethesda’s tweet himself under his post. For him, it is an honour that his ship is shown on Twitter. When asked whether he would like to create mods for Starfield after its release – he has shown his talent – the shipbuilder answers with a clear maybe. He hasn’t thought about it yet, but he will consider it.

What do you think of the Starfield fan’s spaceship design? Do you agree that he has captured the style of Bethesda’s role-playing game well? How do you like the spaceships Bethesda has shown so far? And are you looking forward to building your own flying machines? Feel free to let us know in the comments!