Starfield: Fans create map of the entire galaxy with all 1,000 planets


The release of Bethesda’s space role-playing game is still over a month away, but already fans have created a complete map of the playable galaxy. And that’s only thanks to a trailer.

Space fans still have to be patient for another month, then Bethesda’s next big role-playing game Starfield will finally be released. And while many players are still wondering which star systems they can visit with their spaceship, some fans already have the answer to this question – and all thanks to information from the trailers.

What’s going on?

When it comes to the question of visitable star systems and the exact look of the map, developer Bethesda has been mostly silent so far. At the big gameplay reveal during the Starfield Direct, a few map snippets and systems were revealed; however, the big picture remains officially hidden from us. The info that we can visit Earth, for example, was something fans had to deduce for themselves from images.

Some resourceful fans were apparently tired of waiting. They have played their detective skills and created an interactive map of the entire galaxy known so far Only through careful analysis of previously known trailers and a few seconds long scraps of gameplay. The result is quite respectable

(A hyperspace route from our solar system Sol (right) to the star system Tau Boötis, 51 light years away.)
(A hyperspace route from our solar system Sol (right) to the star system Tau Boötis, 51 light years away.)

On the map called Starfield Navigator, you can view the Milky Way and its star systems from different angles and plan hyperspace routes for jumps between stars. In addition, the creators explain there how they went about developing the tool.

(You Can try out the Starfield Navigator here)

How did the creators do that?

Bethesda has announced that Starfield will offer you over 1000 planets to explore. The planets are in turn divided into about 100 different systems whose parent star they orbit. And some of these systems have already been seen for a few moments in trailers for Starfield.

(The Porrima system in Starfield: In reality it hosts two stars, in the game it is shown in a simplified way.)
(The Porrima system in Starfield: In reality it hosts two stars, in the game it is shown in a simplified way.)

The position and distance of the systems to each other the creators of the Navigator put over a map of our Milky Way; because Starfield is known to take place in our real galaxy

In the process, they found that Starfield’s systems matched real stars. Some names were changed, but on the whole, the most important systems of the Milky Way can be found in Starfield. These were then built into the Navigator in the form of a 3D map.

Since the first version, the navigator has been extended again and again, for example when new star systems became known through official pictures. Until the release there will be some more updates.

What do you think about the high realism in Starfield? Do you think it’s great to be able to explore the endless expanses of the Milky Way soon? What do you think about the Navigator project? Feel free to write us in the comments.