Starfield: The best mods for graphics, interface, gameplay and more


We present the best and most popular current mods on the PC with which you can improve Starfield.

It is a well-cultivated tradition with role-playing games from the house of Bethesda that over the years a barely manageable flood of mods for the respective title appears. Starfield is no exception.

We have fought our way through this jungle for you and picked out what we consider to be the best mods. Of course, we also provide you with a compact guide on how to get mods to work on your system in the first place.

How do I install mods for Starfield?

With Starfield, a large number of mods require you to do a little preliminary work to make them work. Navigate to the following location: \Documents\My Games\Starfield

There you create or open the file StarfieldCustom.ini and then insert the following text at the end of the document:


Generally, the installation routine is slightly different for each mod. If the files have the extension .esm or .ba2, in most cases you can simply copy them into your installation directory (X is your partition letter):

  • Steam-Version: X\Steam\steamapps\common\Starfield\Data
  • Microsoft Store Version: X\Xbox Games\Starfield\Content

It may also happen that manual or automatic changes are made to the StarfieldCustom.ini configuration file. We therefore recommend you: Make a backup of your savegame folder under \Documents\My Games\Starfield

before installing mods.

From time to time, the mods also require additional software such as the graphics tool (Reshade) in order to run. In this case, you will find detailed instructions on how to proceed on the respective project page of a mod on Follow these instructions and you should quickly reach your goal.

The Starfield Script Extender

If you want to mod Starfield extensively in the future, you will not get around the Starfield Script Extender Skyrim and Fallout fans will already know this tool by name. This is a powerful tool for modders that allows deeper access to gameplay systems

(Go to the Starfield Script Extender on Nexusmods )

This will allow for more and more extensive mods over time. That’s why many additional contents will call the Starfield Script Extender a prerequisite to be able to run at all. So it’s best to install it now in order to be best prepared for the future.

Unlock Achievements despite Mods

Normally, your score in Starfield will be marked as modded as soon as you use mods. This means that you can no longer unlock achievements – normally. Then of course there’s a mod for that too!

(Go to the Achievement Enabler on Nexusmods )

The following mod list will be updated regularly. So it is worthwhile to have a look occasionally!

The best graphics mods for Starfield

The best gameplay mods for Starfield

(Free as a bird at last! Thanks to the Jetpack Mod, there are now hardly any limits to what you can do.)
(Free as a bird at last! Thanks to the Jetpack Mod, there are now hardly any limits to what you can do.)

The best interface mods for Starfield

(Finally more overview on the PC: The StarUI Mod brings order to the inventory.)
(Finally more overview on the PC: The StarUI Mod brings order to the inventory.)

Have you tried mods and what was your experience with the free downloads? Do you need help with the installation or do you want to start modding Starfield yourself? And what do you think of our overview? Are there any important mods missing that you would recommend to other players? Let us know in the comments!