Steam insider tip: Void Crew is well received and turns your co-op group into a spaceship crew


If you and your co-op crew are looking for a new game, then according to many Steam users, the following space game is perfect for you.

Void Crew was in early access on Steam for a good year and released version 1.0 on November 25, 2024. The co-op game puts you and up to three other players in command of a spaceship and sends you on various missions.

Currently there is a discount of 20 percent on Void Crew , which reduces the price to 20 euros ; the offer is still valid until December 8, 2024.

Between Division of Labor and Work-Related Accidents

In Void Crew you man a spaceship together, the size of which you can best select based on the number of players. That’s because if you’re alone, you won’t be able to keep up with all the tasks in a large ship.

To be particularly effective at the individual stations, there are four talent trees that allow you to specialize in certain tasks on board.

The Pilotsteers the spaceship, the Engineeris responsible for repairs, the ;Gunner; operates the turrets and the Scavenger; plunders abandoned wrecks.

In theory, you can access all talent trees with your character, but this means that you may ultimately lack points to unlock the most powerful abilities of your specialization.

In the missions, for example, you have to escort other ships or search for and destroy opponents. Since your ship only runs smoothly with good communication and coordination, it’s not asteroid showers and hostile aliens that test you the most, but your fellow players.

What the Steam users say

Of the nearly 4,000 reviews on Steam,88 percent are positiveand many have followed the game since Early Access. Steam usersBierand many others describe

Sea of Thieves in space, but it’s all PvE and with the mission system on Deep Rock Galactic. Absolutely fantastic game.

Player Owner tank Also had fun, his teammate maybe not so much: “Did a void jump without my friend in the seat and it turned him into red goo. Great game.”

Steam user Xden is also impressed and writes: “Damn, this game is really good. Being ejected from an airlock to grab loot while my pilot maneuvers to avoid incoming fire is a real Bruce Willis in Armageddon ‘

By the way, we didn’t miss Void Crew either, and the co-op game made it into the top 15 insider tips of the last month, which we definitely don’t want to withhold from you. If you prefer other genres, you can find the article in the box above. If you are still looking for a bargain, we also have an article with Steam games that are 90 percent off.