Steam Sales 2021: When will the next sales start?

Steam Sales 2021
Steam Sales 2021

Summer sales and the like await us on Steam again in 2021. We collect all known and leaked dates

After the Steam Sale is before the Steam Sale, that is a well-known law of nature. Every few months, the Valve platform offers big discounts on many games. So that you can better plan when you have a chance at exciting bargains, we have collected all the confirmed and expected dates for the Summer Sale, Winter Sale and so on.

We will update this article regularly so that you will always find the latest relevant dates here.

The big Steam Sales 2021

Some Steam promotions happen around the same time every year. Therefore, we can already pretty much predict when which sale will start and how long it is expected to last. Valve usually only sends out the official confirmation at short notice.

When is the next Steam Sale? Currently, it looks like there will be a longer sale break. The next big promotion will probably be another Steam Next festival and will take place at the beginning of October 2021. However, this has not been officially confirmed yet.

Fortunately, there are still many smaller sales, for example the weekly Midweek Madness or publisher promotions. At GameStar, we always look for the best deals for you!

Steam Halloween Sale 2021

When? The Halloween Sale will (logically) start at the end of October 2021, possibly starting on October 28. Normally, the Halloween promotion runs for just under a week.

What? Matching the spookiest time of the year, the corresponding sale regularly takes place on Steam. Of course, it’s mainly horror games that are reduced, but other genres also participate.

Steam Black Friday Sale 2021

When? The probable start date is 24 November 2021, the sale runs over a long weekend.

What? This promotion, also called Autumn Sale, takes place on Black Friday, which falls on 26 November 2021.

Steam Winter Sale 2021

When? The Winter Sale usually runs through Christmas and into the first week of January. Presumably it will start in the week of 21 December 2021.

What? Besides the Summer Sale, the biggest discount promotions on Steam are waiting for you over the holidays. Logically, the Christmas money wants to be invested.

Everyone who doesn’t spend time on the internet with a blindfold on knows about the Steam sales. But Steam also has a few hidden features that make your life as a gamer a little easier:

Smaller Sales on Steam

In addition to the big promotions, Steam also hosts smaller sales every now and then, such as the weekly Midweek Madness or dedicated publisher sales that usually run over a long weekend.

Past Sales

Steam Summer Sale 2021

When The big Summer Sale started on 24 June 2021. This date was also known through several leaks – usually the dates are an open secret even before the official announcement. The sale usually lasts about two weeks, so this year it will last until 8 July 2021.

What? During the Summer Sale there are usually a lot of discounts, even on big titles from last year.

Open World Sale

When? The discount promotion runs from 27 to 31 May 2021.

What’s on offer? As the name suggests, it’s all about games with open worlds. Amongst them were some real high class ones, we hope Steam repeats the sale next year.

Golden Week 2021
Golden Week is supposed to bring lots of discounts on JRPGs and co. Image source:
Golden Week is supposed to bring lots of discounts on JRPGs and co. Image source:

When? Start is on Thursday, 29 April at 7pm German time. The Golden Week Sale will then run for one week, until Thursday 6 May 2021.

What’s on offer? The Golden Week takes place annually and focuses on games from Japanese studios. Typically, titles such as Monster Hunter World, Dark Souls and Devil May Cry are on offer. Other well-known games that are eligible include the Persona, Final Fantasy, Resident Evil and Tales series.