Stray Blade – Gameplay trailer presents the combat strength of finishers and companion Boji


In their second trailer on the combat system, the Berlin developers delve deeper into your impressions of the different weapon types, their effects on your play style as well as their countless finisher moves. The dodging mechanics are also highlighted once again: This is supposed to work as responsively, cleanly and reliably as in Dark Souls.

This doesn’t mean, however, that Stray Blade emulates From Software’s badass games on the whole. According to official statements, the general gameplay is more oriented towards the Lord of the Rings action game Mordor’s Shadow. The visuals are also more along these lines, with the valley of Acrea having a much friendlier overall feel and not being cluttered with sinister gothic cathedrals.

In the second half of the trailer, your devious little companion Boji takes centre stage. Not only will he keep you company on your journeys and provide a funny narrative, but he will also regularly help you out of trouble. His fighting and, above all, magical skills are supposed to become stronger the more you make friends with him.

How the developers want to make up for the failure of their first game with their new project and what lessons they have learned from it.