Street Fighter 6 – Blind player wins match at Evo 2023.


Play Street Fighter 6 only via audio? Blind player and YouTuber BlindWarriorSven even wins tournament matches with it.

Last weekend, a tournament participant at Evo 2023 made headlines. The player BlindWarriorSven was able to win a match at the Street Fighter 6 event. The special feature: Sven has been blind since he was six years old. But that doesn’t stop him from playing video games on big stages.

Street Fighter 6 sets standards in accessibility

BlindWarriorSven is particularly fond of fighting games. On (his YouTube channel) he shows how blind people can enjoy video games despite their disability. A great positive example of this is Street Fighter 6, in which the YouTuber was also able to claim victory over the weekend.

The fighting game convinces here with its audio support In the character selection, the names of the characters are highlighted by a speaker, audio feedback enables the localisation of the characters in the arena and combos are trained in the training tool.

As each attack has its own sound, key combinations can be easily memorised.

You can watch the entire Evo 2023 Main Stage battle on BlindWarriorSven’s YouTube channel.