Strong Defender – How to play Turtok in Pokémon Unite

‎Strong Defender pokemon

With the latest patch, Turtok (Blastoise) has entered the field of play and is ready for peak defensive performance. The armoured animal’s strength stands out in Pokémon Unite in several areas.

The wait for the water starter has come to an end. The highly anticipated Pokémon Turtok made its debut in the MOBA Pokémon Unite on Wednesday. As a defender, Turtok convinces similarly to Relaxo.

Turtok has a similar playstyle to Castellith (Crustle) because it can push enemies away and applies some effective defensive stats. First, however, you have to level up diligently to get the bulky Pokémon at level 9. A big difference to Castellith, however, is that Turtok can even be used from a greater distance. The ranged attacks can hurt the opponent mightily. In addition, Turtok cleverly uses the tank to intercept enemy damage and thus protect the teammates.

The Best Items for Turtok

Different strategies in Pokémon Unite always exist, which includes item combinations. Nevertheless, there are items that are formally tailored to Turtok. Because the water Pokémon in the team is a mixture of defender and supporter, the Buddy Barrier pays off immensely. Once the Unite attack is used, Turtok gives itself and a nearby ally a shield that can make all the difference in teamfights.

Defensive items like Buddy Barrier and Score Shield can work wonders.
Defensive items like Buddy Barrier and Score Shield can work wonders.

With Buddy Barrier, Turtok also gets a KP boost, which is always beneficial for defensive Pokémon. After all, the goal is to take as much damage as possible to protect teammates. The Score Shield is also similarly strong as Buddy Barrier. If you play aggressively and also want to score points, this gives you the opportunity to give yourself another shield. After all, this is based on five percent of Turtok’s maximum KP. In addition, point attempts during the shield cannot be interrupted by the opponent. If there is a KP buff anyway, the effect is all the better.

Those who want to strengthen their defence even more are well advised to use Focus Band. The item further increases the defence and even ensures that the points regenerate by eight percent every three seconds when the KP is low. However, if you want to act a little more offensively, we recommend Shell Bell or Wise Glasses. Both increase the special attack, whereby the former even heals the KP on successful attacks.

As a Battle Item, the Eject Button is, as so often, the most flexible option. The item with the built-in flash can free Turtok from dicey situations or also decisively follow up to catch up with fleeing opponents and land the last needed hit for the knockout.

Turtok’s Attack Deployment

Recommended attacks for Turtok are Hydro Pump and Surf. Both do decent damage and complement each other with ranged and close attacks. With these two attacks, enemies are pushed back and thus control is built up. Together with the Unite attack, which should always be saved for team fights, Turtok can set the strategic tone.

– Level 1 – Water Gun or Skull Bash: The choice between the two options at the start is mostly unimportant. For more range, Water Gun is better, Skull Bash is all about close combat.

– Level 5 – Hydro Pump or Water Sprout: They look very similar, but have an important difference. Hydro Pump is more focused, deals blast damage and knocks back targets, while Water Sprout deals more damage on multiple hits.

– Level 7 – Surf or Rapid Spin: Again, this choice often depends on how the game goes. Where Surf gives more movement options while dealing damage, Rapid Spin deals more damage over multiple hits and is also a very good movement choice. It also changes how Hydro Pump and Water Sprout work.

– Level 9 – Hydro Taifun: The Unite attack has a lot going for it. It makes Turtok whirl around while water fountains come out and cause a lot of damage. The attack also displaces enemies and gives Turtok a shield. Accordingly, the special attack is perfectly suited for team fights.