Stronghold remaster: When will we test the Definitive Edition?


A simple remaster should be easy to test, you think? No, in the case of the Stronghold series, which is often plagued by bugs, even that becomes a gauntlet

The release of Stronghold: Definitive Edition is imminent, but you’ll have to wait for a review of the real-time strategy remaster – the GameStar editorial team is currently unable to give it a rating

Why this is and when you can expect our conclusion on the new edition of one of the best medieval castle-building games, we’ll tell you in the next section

No review keys before release

One day before the release on November 7, 2023, we would have liked to present you a test of the changes in the remaster of the popular first strategy game with a castle theme from Firefly Studios

However, help with the purchase decision is inevitably a long time coming because the British developer studio has not provided us with any review keys in advance It is otherwise customary in the industry to send press versions to journalists and influencers at least one week before release

According to a Firefly spokesperson, they are “working diligently on updating our build on Steam until the release”, which in this case probably means until the release time at 16:00 tomorrow Tuesday.

Although we were promised in advance that we would receive a code “before launch”, Firefly did not want to commit to a date or even a time Until then, the trailer for the remaster will have to do:

When is the test coming?

At the moment we do not expect to receive a playable version of Stronghold: Definitive Edition today. This means that we will most likely only be able to start our test together with all other players, the game will go live on Steam on November 7, 2023 at 4:00 p.m.

What does this mean for the test und rating?

  • Author Kevin dives into the new, old castle sieges as soon as possible to try out the added comfort features, improved graphics and the new 14-mission campaign.
  • We are currently planning to deliver the test on Thursday or Friday this week, including a conclusion and rating.
  • A test video will be produced afterwards.

What do you think about our review plan for the Stronghold remaster and are you looking forward to the Definitive Edition? Do you have any questions for the tester? Let us know in the comments below