Studio behind survival hit Green Hell unveils new sci-fi game with a focus on base building


In the upcoming survival game StarRupture, the star of the solar system literally plays a central role. It is both friend and foe at the same time

The sun. It is the life-giving center of our solar system and its sisters populate the universe by the billions. A new survival base-building game Green-Hellmakers want us to experience what it feels like to experience a less mild-mannered home star on a daily basis.

Welcome to StarRupture On (Steam) there is already a store page.

A world of catastrophes

StarRupture is literally and on several levels about survival on a planet that is literally flamed by outbursts from its star, called Ruptura This repeatedly changes the environment, to which you must adapt. On top of this, the open world has various biomes by default

The name says it all: The English word rupture stands for breaking or tearing. Both describe well what Ruptura is doing to its planet: it is destroying life and the environment on it with immense energies.

Each time it disrupts everyday processes and represents a shake-up of the familiar. Each rupture brings change. The developers also tell you more about this in their (first devlog).

Collect, build, survive: You collect resources alone or with a maximum of three other players, explore the world and construct machines that mine, harvest and create new things.

This is how you build industrial chains to automate the processes in your base. Ultimately, you’ll need the technologies and raw materials to permanently defy the whims of the star in the unforgiving environment – and then there are the aliens.

Aliens: They also colonize the planet and want to get their hands on you. It’s time to craft, load and equip weapons. Because the next horde of foul-tempered monsters is sure to come:

When is StarRupture coming out?

We do not yet know an official release date. However, the wording and the note Available soon  on Steam indicate that the Early Access launch will probably take place in 2024  – probably not before then.

This public test and development phase is expected to last a good year. So a final release in 2025&nbspseems realistic.

What do you think about these first rough impressions of StarRupture? Are we in for an exciting mix of genres or are you already forgoing sunbathing today? Have you played Green Hell before or are you less interested in survival titles? Let us know your thoughts on this theme in the comments below the article!