Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League – After the failure, it ends with Season 4, but the offline mode is coming


The action-adventure will soon be over: due to disastrous player numbers, it will no longer continue after Season 4. Rocksteady’s multiplayer experiment has thus failed for good.

Rocksteady confirms: Season 4 is the last one, now the offline mode is coming

On the game’s official website, it was announced that the final episode will be released in January 2025. After the introduction of Deathstroke, the Suicide Squad will go into one last battle against Brainiac.

Online features will remain available for the time being, so players can continue to play together in co-op mode. In addition, as of today, it is also possible to access Suicide Squad content offline This includes the main story campaign and all seasonal story mission content.

To access the offline mode, you either have to start a new game or copy your existing online profile – you can read more about this in the official FAQ

Right from the launch, the picture was sobering. Suicide Squad on Steam already reached a peak of 13,000 concurrent players, but now this number has stabilized at a few hundred.

The ratings worldwide were not particularly good either, which has some far-reaching consequences for the development studio and the future of games in the Warner Bros. cosmos. You can read more about these topics in the articles we linked above.