Supposed teaser for GTA 6? Inconspicuous T-shirt sends the rumour mill boiling over


Rockstar has definitely hinted at a future event. Fans are now eagerly speculating whether it’s a teaser for GTA 6 – but there are also doubts.

No other community is probably as alert as GTA fans. Every announcement from Rockstar is scrutinised closely to see if it might contain information about GTA 6 . Due to a T-shirt, fans have now become enormously alert But it is not clear whether the apparent teaser refers to the sequel. 

Number code raises gamer hopes 

While fans complain about the worst update ever for GTA Online an ominous t-shirt for the tenth anniversary has appeared almost simultaneously, but disappeared again quite quickly. The top shows some symbols and a stylised alien as well as a long numerical code.

Naturally, it didn’t take long for the first fans to decipher the code: One day all will be revealed is supposed to be the solution to the riddle according to Twitter user InfinityBesk. But what will be revealed then?

GTA 6 or Alien DLC after all?

While some users are expecting information about GTA 6, others are convinced that it is actually a teaser for an upcoming Alien DLC for GTA Online. After all, the t-shirt features an alien creature and with all the ufo and sci-fi content in GTA Online, it would be totally conceivable.

Another hint that the T-shirt has nothing to do with GTA 6 is another piece of clothing. After the community has already diligently discussed among themselves, another anniversary T-shirt has surfaced. On the T-shirt it is written boldly: “Rockstar Says Relax”, while the trousers are once again covered with alien heads.

What do you think of the whole situation? Is Rockstar secretly aiming for Grand Theft Auto 6 or is this a teaser for more alien content in GTA Online? Or could you imagine something completely different? Feel free to post your ideas and opinions in the comments, we’re excited!