Surprise hit Dredge is far from over after Steam victory streak


A roadmap shows what the developers behind the silent-horror mystery fishing game have up their sleeve for 2023. Short answer: quite a bit.

Dredge recently made many hobby captains board the cutter to mysterious waters. Who has not enough of fishing horror may now rejoice: The developers of (Black Salt Games) are far from finished with their game.

With the roadmap for 2023 they still have quite a few fishing rods in their backpacks to get to the scaly bones of the outlandish sea fauna. Three free updates as well as a paid expansion are planned aside from regular bug fixing:

(There''s some neat supplies rushing in for the marine explorers of the outlandish fauna in Dredge.)
(There”s some neat supplies rushing in for the marine explorers of the outlandish fauna in Dredge.)

What”s in the updates?

  • To start with, by the end of June at the latest there will be a free upgrade to the map functionality. You will get the possibility to place map markers of different kinds to be able to record important points. Different colored icons and a whole palette of symbols will be available, such as monsters, shipwrecks and much more.
  • Also still until the end of June a new game mode as well as a photo mode shall land in your net:
    • The new mode goes by the name Passive and lets the otherwise in-game dangerous monsters for you and your boat become peaceful. So the horror will only enter your imagination, you will be able to calmly sail the waters of Dredge and fish.
    • Simultaneously, a new character will dock on the old familiar shores and teach the player to take photos Also, the NPC will show you the way to some brand new sea creatures that will be added with the update.

  • The third free download content is scheduled to be released between the beginning of July and the end of September . With it you will get all sorts of possibilities to customize your fishing boat with paintings and flags, for example.
  • In the fourth quarter, so sometime between the beginning of October and the end of the year, according to the developers, a paid DLC will be released. This one will land the ominous Ironhaven Corporation. The corporation wants to bring the area back to economic health with a drilling venture and needs your help.
    But isn t your client hiding a completely different, shady goal behind his noble intentions? You will find out.

How about you guys? Has Dredge hooked you guys in any platform waters yet? And if so, which one do you prefer to cast your line on? Which of the updates excites you the most? And what kind of content expansion would you still like to see? Feel free to write us your opinions and thoughts in the comments!