The 11 best ETS 2 mods for every type of player

Euro Truck Simulator 2
Euro Truck Simulator 2

You can make Euro Truck Simulator 2 even better with a variety of mods. We present you 11 mods for every type of player.

Over the years, numerous mods for Euro Truck Simulator 2 have become established. Thanks to the integrated Steam Workshop, the installation of most mods is also easy. However, two mods from our list do not come from the workshop and have to be installed manually. We will also explain to you how this works exactly.

Are mods allowed at all?

Mods are modifications created by players. Not all of them are officially supported by the developers of SCS Software. However, there is a mod browser in ETS 2 where you can manage and activate downloaded mods. There is also a note about possible incompatible versions. Basically, all mods are allowed in the Steam Workshop. The mods we have presented here are also allowed and are tolerated by the developers.

The installation and use of modifications is at your own risk. Create a backup of your savegames in advance. The directory is under: C:\Users\UserName\Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2\Profiles

How are mods installed in ETS 2?

The easiest way to install mods is via the Steam Workshop itself. Click on the “Subscribe” button of the mod you want and it will start downloading via Steam.

Mods that you do not download via Steam are copied to an extra directory. If the mod is in a .ZIP archive, unzip it first and then copy the .scs files to the following folder: C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2\mod.

The mods will then be activated in Euro Truck Simulator 2 via the mod browser. You will find the mod browser on the start screen, where you can also select your profile and manage DLCs.

ETS 2 Downgrade for Mods

Not all mods for Euro Truck Simulator 2 work with the current version. This is shown in the mod browser of the game. In the respective description you will find a note about compatibility. If you still want to use the modification, you can downgrade the version:

Right-click on Euro Truck Simulator 2

– Select “Properties
– Click on “Beta” in the upper bar of the new window.
– Select the respective version from the error message
– Close the window, Steam will perform the downgrade.
– Restart ETS 2 and activate the mod in the mod browser

Mod number 1: TruckersMP

TruckersMP is still one of the most popular mods despite the newly integrated convoy mode in ETS 2. The unofficial multiplayer allows you to drive across Europe with up to 4,000 other truckers. To be able to use TruckersMP, you first need an account on the website of TruckersMP. Then you proceed as follows:

– At least two hours of game time in ETS 2 or ATS 2
– Set Steam profile to public
– Link TruckersMP and Steam profile
– Download TruckersMP Client
– Install Mod
– Optional: TruckersMP Client Update
– Optional: Downgrade the ETS 2 / ATS 2 version via Steam
Recommended is a driver profile where you already own your own truck. Otherwise it will not be possible to accept orders in multiplayer via the freight market.

Besides realistic servers, on which the speed is reduced to 90km/h, there are also so-called arcade servers, on which no speed limit applies. The multiplayer is compatible with all DLCs, with the exception of Heavy Cargo.

The most important shortcuts in multiplayer: In TruckersMP there are more shortcuts that make communication and driving easier. We have compiled the most important ones for you:

– TAB: Opens the settings of the mod in the game.
– Y: Activates the text chat
– X: By holding down the key, you can activate the voice chat and speak.
– /channel [id]: Used for ingame CB radio. [id] = 0 deactivates the radio
– /pm 123: sends a private message in text chat to the player with the respective id
– /r: reply to the last message received
– /pinfo ID: receives all necessary info about a player. This is useful for reporting on the TruckersMP website.
– /fix: Repairs the truck. Only works if a trailer is hitched up
– /help: Gives an overview of all commands

Mod number 2: ProMods

ProMods expands the world of Euro Truck Simulator 2 enormously. The ProMods team is expanding the original maps with new cities, roads and routes. Besides the European map, the team has also released Canada for American Truck Simulator as a mod. Apart from Europe, there is also the unofficial expansion Middle-East, which is compatible with ETS 2.

The expansions are also compatible with TruckersMP in multiplayer. For the download you need an account on ProMods. After registering, the system will guide you through the process step by step and you can then download the modification. Add the .scs files to your ETS 2 mod folder. The activation of ProMods is done via the mod browser in the game itself.


Mod Number 3: Realistic Traffic

The team of D.B Creation Dev Team Germany has made it their mission to improve the traffic and behaviour of AI vehicles, trucks and trailers. The mod “Real Traffic Intensity & Behavior” is ideal if you want to make Euro Truck Simulator 2 even more realistic. Improved was the swivelling of the AI trailer in curves and other details such as:

– Realistic traffic intensity on all roads based on real intensity on European roads.
– Rush hour at 8am and 5pm
– Improved AI safety parameter
– Different indicator times
– Different speeds for all vehicles
– Improved AI speeds in different weather conditions
– Improved accident recovery
– Improved overtaking parameters
– Includes our own AI behaviour
– Removed slow vehicles from Special Transport deliveries
– Traffic light circuits revised
– Optimised AI behaviour at tollbooths
– Revised AI behaviour at junctions, forks, roundabouts

After downloading the mod you will receive two .scs files. One version is for the ProMods maps, the second is for the standard map from the developers of SCS Software.

Download: D.B Creation AI-Traffic

Mod number 4: SiSL’s Mega Pack

Luke als Beifahrer? Mit dem SiSL's Mega Pack ist das möglich.

Are you looking for a passenger or want to spruce up the cabin of your truck a bit? Then the SiSL’s Mega Pack is the mod of your choice. You’ll get over 400 new accessories for your truck, including co-drivers, bobbleheads, electronic devices and fragrance trees. Almost no wish is left unfulfilled and if you want, you can even put a Christmas tree in your driver’s cab.

The mod is one of the best rated ETS 2 mods on Steam. You can subscribe to it directly in the Steam Workshop.

Mod Number 5: TomTom Language Pack for the Navi

You are driving in a new region for the first time and have missed the exit? With the language pack for your navigation device, that won’t happen to you any time soon.

The mod offers a total of 69 original languages on Steam. With “Lisa” and “Werner”, there are also two German voices for your navigation device. You can find the language pack in the Steam Workshop for download. You activate the extension via the mod browser in the game and then navigate to the options of Euro Truck Simulator 2. In the audio settings you then select the desired language.

Mod number 6: Real names for petrol stations

Mehr Realismus dank realer Namen für Tankstellen. Credit: ExiaRS

In the Steam Workshop, user ExiaRS has published a mod that replaces the fictitious petrol stations in the game with real ones. Not only have the names been changed, but the petrol stations themselves have been visually reworked and in some cases enhanced with small details.

You can get the mod via the Steam Workshop. After subscribing, you can activate the new petrol stations via the mod browser in the game.

Mod number 7: Discovery Map Helper

Discovery Map Helper stellt die Map optisch ansprechender dar. Credit: Art.Stea1th

The map in Euro Truck Simulator 2 is getting bigger and bigger. The mod “Discovery Map Helper” not only helps you to explore all roads, but also improves the look of the map. You can activate Discovery Map Helper via the Steam Workshop and then activate it in the game via the mod browser.

In the meantime, Euro Truck Simulator 2 has become so popular that nobody wants a successor. This is also due to the numerous mods and the improvements in recent years.

Mod number 8: Slow traffic

raktoren auf der Landstraße? Ein Mod macht es möglich. Credit: Roman761

You’re driving down a country road in your truck at 80 mph, “On the Road Again” by Willie Nelson is playing on the radio, you’re tapping your hands on the steering wheel, humming away and bobbing your head. After the next bend, you put your foot down – a 20 km/h “fast” tractor blocks the road. An unimaginable scenario without mods.

The mod “Slow Vehicels in Traffic” by Steam user Roman761 can provide such a scenario. Depending on the time of day, tractors, combine harvesters or other slow vehicles are driving on country roads.

Mod number 9: Daniel’s Random Events Mod

Over 80 new random events await you with the mod, many of which also have multiple variants. According to the mod creator, this creates over 2,000 different possibilities for events.

Thanks to the mod, traffic barks also have reflectors so that you can recognise them better at night. After downloading the file, unzip the .zip file and add the .scs files to the following directory: C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2\mod.

You can find the download on the website of

Mod number 10: Dirty trucks and trailers

Schmutzige LKW im ETS 2? Der Mod von DomiPromi macht es möglich. Credit: DomiPromi

Strictly speaking, we present you with two mods. While the first one allows you to “paint your truck dirty”, the second one makes for dirty trailers.

Both mods come from Steam user DomiPromi and you can subscribe to them directly in the Steam workshop. It is recommended to use both mods in combination. Unfortunately there is no possibility to wash off the dirt. If you know of a car wash mod for ETS 2, feel free to write it in the comments.

Links to mods:

Paintable Dirty Truck Pack.
Dirty Skin Pack 2.0

Mod number 11: Real stickers for the truck

Do you miss stickers behind the windscreen, signs for maximum speed and ADR stickers in Euro Truck Simulator 2? Then the mod “Signs on your Truck” by Steam user tobrago can help. You get different stickers from different countries.

You can find a complete list and more screenshots in the Steam workshop. There you can also subscribe to the mod and activate it in the game.

Do you have any other mod recommendations for Euro Truck Simulator 2? Feel free to write us your suggestions in the comments. We will update the list regularly