The 20 best and most curious Minecraft mods 2021

‎The 20 Best and Most Curious Minecraft Mods 2021‎
‎The 20 Best and Most Curious Minecraft Mods 2021‎

From HD texture mods to JurassiCraft with block dinos: We’ve rounded up the most insane, hilarious and useful Minecraft mods for you.

Hardly any open-world sandbox offers as much freedom as Minecraft. We can smash blocks, build houses, fight zombies and other fiends and always experience new adventures. But there’s even more.

Mods give Minecraft photo-realistic graphics (as crazy as that sounds with the blocky look), turn it into a Jurassic Park full of dinos or improve functions like the minimap. We have compiled the 20 best, funniest and most useful Minecraft mods for you and reveal how you can install them.

So schöne Minecraft-Sonnenuntergänge könnt ihr euch mit der richtigen Mod auch herbeizaubern.

How do I install mods in Minecraft?

Mods naturally play a big role in a game as creative as Minecraft. So not only have new mods been tinkered with over the years, the installation process has also made great strides. In the meantime, it is hardly a major problem to install mods on your PC. The best way to do this is to use one of two methods:

Minecraft mods with Forge

-If you want to start the Minecraft Java Edition via the Minecraft launcher and, above all, install individual mods in a controlled manner, then you should install Forge first. This is a very important tool that helps you keep track of your mods, simplifies the installation and ensures that there are no unexpected clashes between mods. To install mods with Forge, you should follow these steps:

– Visit the Forge page and install a version of the program. The Forge version must match the mod version you want to have. To start with, we simply recommend the latest version. This is currently 1.17.1. Click on “Installer” in the middle of the screen. If an advertising page appears, ignore it and click on the red skip button in the top right-hand corner (it takes a few seconds to appear).

– The Forge installer will now download and land in your download folder. Just click on the file and make sure that “Install client” is selected in the next window at the top. Click on Ok. The programme will be installed.

– If you now launch the Minecraft launcher, you should be able to pop up the version menu to the left of the play button and select forge. The red warning triangle only indicates that this is a modded version of Minecraft.

– If you now start the game and are in the main menu, you can select the item Mods. All your mods will be displayed here later. But first click on “Open Mods Folder” at the bottom left. You should see an empty folder. If you now download a mod, e.g. from Cursforge, you simply have to place the corresponding file in this folder. The mod will then appear in the mod menu and you can start.

Minecraft mods with the Curseforge app

It has also become quite easy to install and launch mods for Minecraft via the Twitch app. In the meantime, however, this function has been outsourced to the Curseforge app. You can use it to download and manage mods for all kinds of games. Also for Minecraft. This is how it works:

– Visit the official website of the Curseforge app. Here you can click directly on the download for Windows or macOS

– Download the programme and start the installation via the CurseForge installer. It’s all pretty straightforward.

– Once the installation is complete, you can open the Curseforge app. First, search it for Minecraft in the game selector. Then switch from “My Modpacks” to “Browse Modpacks” at the top of the tab.

– What you see now is a huge selection of mods available on the Cursforge website. You don’t have to do much more at this point than simply click on “Install” on the right and wait for the mod to be installed. This happens automatically. Then you can press play. This will start Minecraft and the mod. You may have to log in with your account first.

Graphics, Shader and Performance Mods

Our first category is about mods to improve the graphics and performance of Minecraft. Here you will find HD textures, photorealistic lighting effects and the answer to the question of how to get the best gaming experience even with a weak PC.

OptiFine: The mother of all Minecraft mods

To spruce up Minecraft in just about every way, the first thing we recommend is the OptiFine mod. This thing provides your game with improved FPS and antialiasing, faster performance, lots of settings for graphic details and, above all, it facilitates the addition of further mods such as shader or texture packages. Optifine is therefore a good basis for all your mod adventures in Minecraft.

– Here you can download the mod “OptiFine “

– Latest version: 1.17.1

Mit OptiFine erhaltet ihr sehr viel mehr Optionen für Minecraft und könnt das Spiel besser euren Ansprüchen anpassen.

SEUS Renewed: Realistic HD lighting effects (up to ray tracing)

The shader packs from “Sonic Ether’s Unbelievable Shaders”, or SEUS for short, also bring a considerable graphical improvement. The Renewed mod, for example, provides realistic sunlight, correctly calculated shadows and new rain effects.

SEUS has also been working for some time on the shader PTGI, which makes raytracing-level light calculation in Minecraft possible, but PTGI cannot yet be downloaded for free.

Here you can find the mod “SEUS Renewed “

Current version: 1.15.1 (last update on 10 January 2020), but may also work with newer versions.

Dramatic Skys: Realistic Skylight

As long as mankind has existed, it has been looking up to the sky. Because there is a lot to see up there. With Dramatic Skys, there should also be a lot more going on in the firmament above the Minecraft world. Whether during the day or in the dead of night, Dramatic Skys gives the sky above you many more facets and a realistic look, including impressive clouds. The sky also adapts to the biome you are in.

Especially nice to know: This graphics mod is supposed to embarrass even weaker hardware almost not at all.

Here you can find the mod “Dramatic Skys “

– Latest version: 1.17.1

CreatorPack: More beautiful but familiar textures

With this Resource Pack you bring completely new textures for all blocks into the game. The special thing about the CreatorPack: It’s not about photorealism. Most other texture mods try to create their own look, which feels slightly alien in Minecraft. With the CreatorPack, the textures become much more detailed, but remain true to the original in some ways.

– Click here for the mod “CreatorPack “

– Latest version: 1.17.1

NAPP: Realistic Textures

NAPP is another very interesting texture pack. Similar to the CreatorPack, this one is not meant to be too extreme a break from the classic Minecraft feel. But in this case, the individual textures still turn out much more realistic and provide a much more natural look for the entire environment.

– Click here for the mod “NAPP “

– Latest version: 1.16.5

NAPP sorgt für eine interessante Mischung aus klassischer Minecraft-Pixeloptik, und realistischen Untergründen.

Improvement Mods

Our second category is dedicated to all the mods that add new functions or content to the game and thus provide you with new possibilities for block-busting. Especially getting around and finding your way in the big wide Minecraft world can be made extremely easy. But there is also a larger selection of things that you can find or use.

JourneyMap: Improved Map

You tend to get lost, and that applies to Hansel and Gretel in the dark forest as well as to Minecraft players. So that you don’t lose your bearings, we recommend the “JourneyMap” mod. It registers your movements in the game in real time, displays them either in the normal map/minimap in the game or in the web browser and tells you where enemies, animals and other players are in your vicinity.

– Click here for the mod “JourneyMap “

– Latest version: 1.16.5

HWYLA: What am I looking at?

If, on your travels through the world of blocks, you come across a strange block that you can’t identify, the “HWYLA” mod will help. HWYLA is the abbreviation for “Here’s What You’re Looking At” and the mod explains to you as soon as you move your mouse over a blog what exactly you are looking at.

– Click here for the mod “HWYLA “

– Latest version: 1.16.5

Zwar ist sie nicht lila und auch nicht von Milka, aber diese Kuh hätten wir auch ohne die WAILA-Mod erkannt. Allerdings gibt es ja noch viel mysteriösere Objekte und Blöcke in Minecraft und da hilft die Mod sehr.

Inventory Tweak: Cleaned up inventory

The dream of every caretaker: order and cleanliness at the touch of a button. In Minecraft, this is possible without any problems thanks to the “Inventory Tweak Renewed” mod. With its help, broken tools can be replaced with one click and inventories and treasure chests can be sorted correctly. Say goodbye to chaos!

Here you can find the mod “Inventory Tweaks “

Latest version: 1.16.3

Ein Klick und das Inventar erstrahlt vor Aufgeräumtheit. (Bildquelle:

Just Enough Items: Recipe Book & Free Items

With Just Enough Items you always have an overview of which recipes each item in the game allows you to create. You can search through a catalogue at lightning speed for all possible items and possibly discover recipes that you have no idea about. In creative mode, you can also use the mod to simply drag all items from the list into your inventory. Easy!

Here you can find the mod “Just Enough Items “

– Latest version: 1.16.5

Mit der »Just Enough Items«-Mod verliert ihr nie die Übersicht und findet leicht heraus, was für Items ihr jetzt nochmal für einen ähm, Stuhl oder so braucht.

Biomes O’Plenty: Once Around the World

The Swiss Alps, a rainforest full of bamboo, a cold salt desert or just a pretty flower meadow: the actual game world of Minecraft is varied, but not as varied as the real Earth. With Biomes O’Plenty, you can set out into completely different vegetation and habitats. There are even new plants, flowers, trees and much more.

Here you can find the mod “Biomes O’Plenty “

– Latest version: 1.16.5

Manchmal tut es auch eine simple, schöne Blumenwiese.

Botania: Magical Plants

A fancy garden can delight. Almost enchant us. With Botania you create a garden that has truly magical powers. It introduces a whole range of new plants. Among them are shrubs that are magical and fulfil various functions. Using this magic to automate your garden just feels right.

– Click here for the mod “Botania “

– Latest version: 1.16.5

Rope Bridge: Easier movement thanks to Everywhere Bridge

You know what it’s like: The world of Minecraft is big, you want to get somewhere fast, but the way seems rocky, mountainous and unnecessarily long. But that’s over now! Because we present the mod “Rope Bridge”, which makes travelling on foot in Minecraft much more pleasant!

Simply aim at the desired location in the game, shoot and a bridge will magically appear in front of your feet, leading directly to your destination. And now brand new: also with ladder function! Grab it, friends! Teleshopping mode finished

Here’s the way to the mod “Rope Bridge “

Current version: 1.16.5

Ein Schuss mit dem Greifhaken und es entsteht eine Hängebrücke, ganz egal wo.

Creative mods with whacky content

Now that the “serious” categories are settled with the useful mods, let’s get to the fun part! Minecraft is and will always be a colourful playground and so we would like to show you some extensions that add Harry Potter spells, dinosaurs, astronauts and lots of other funny stuff to your game.

SkyFactory 4: A World in the Sky

Those who suffer from a fear of heights should quickly run for the hills. In SkyFactory you start out in the endless blue, nothing. All you have is a tree and some earth. But something big can come out of this. In SkyFactory you build your own kingdom of heaven. In this case, that is to be taken very literally. The mod makes it possible to generate a lot from very little. So you can gradually form and inhabit a huge, flying land mass from a lonely tree. But don’t fall off!

Here you can download SkyFactory 4

Latest version: 1.12.2

Mithilfe von Skyfactory errichtet ihr umgeben von einer blauen Leere eine ganz persönliche Heimat. Hier könnt ihr übrigens auch Tiere wie Pflanzen wachsen lassen.

Twilight Forest: Magical Forest

You think the world of Minecraft isn’t magical enough? Then it’s time to change the dimension. With the help of this mod, you can build a well that will take you to the land of eternal twilight. A dim forest where there are many new mobs to kill and dungeons to explore. You can spend hours in this magical environment and experience entirely new adventures.

Here you can download Twilight Forest

– Latest version: 1.12.2

Im Wald des Zwielichts gibt es neben dunklen Dungeons auch mysteriöse Orte wie diesen ungewöhnlichen Turm.

RLCraft: You Will Die

Life is hard, so sometimes we try to escape into video games. To where everything seems clearer and easier. Unless you decide to get the RLCraft mod package. RL stands for Real Life and in essence it’s about delivering a tough survival adventure. But not only because you can’t cut down trees with your hands. Everything in this world will try to snatch your life away. Even in broad daylight.

– Click here to download RLCraft

– Latest version: 1.12.2

Simsalabim, you will become Harry Potter

Simsalabim is, of course, not a correct spell to hear in the halls of Hogwarts. But the “Harry Potter Mod” allows you to use spells like Expelliarmus, Lumos and Patronus to make objects fly or to conjure up a light or a defensive spirit. Even Dementors and Death Eaters are included in the modification as new mobs.

– Click here to download the Harry Potter mod

– Latest version: 1.12.2

Was genau das für ein Patronus sein soll, können wir zwar nicht erkennen. Aber solange er uns in der Harry-Potter-Variante von Minecraft beschützt, stellen wir ihn nicht in Frage.

JurassiCraft: Put together your own Jurassic Park

The JurassiCraft mod, which – as the name suggests – is based on the Jurassic Park and Jurassic World movies, is comparably prehistoric, although not quite as wacky.

Thanks to this mod, you can go John Hammond and pull dino DNA from fossils and amber to grow your own dinosaurs… which hopefully won’t have a taste for your character.

– Click here to download the JurassiCraft mod

– Latest version: 1.12.2

Dank der JurassiCraft-Mod findet Leben, uh, seinen Weg in Minecraft.

Galacticraft: Travel to galaxies far, far away

If the (game) world of Minecraft isn’t enough for you, there’s no reason to stay grounded with the Galacticraft mod: Build a rocket with the help of a NASA workbench, literally take off and explore the planets of our solar system.

However, not even on Mars are you safe from pesky creepers, who seem to have travelled ahead of you with an astronaut’s helmet on their green heads … Which, admittedly, looks pretty neat.

Here’s how to download the Galacticraft mod

– Latest version: 1.12.2

Der sicherheitsbewusste Creeper denkt in Galacticraft an seinen Astronautenhelm.

CandyCraft: Sugar-sweet mod to bite into

The mod CandyCraft takes you into a sweet parallel dimension where everything looks good enough to eat: Trees, flowers, meadows and – for those who abstain from pork – pigs. However, when you set off into this world of lollipops and chocolate, don’t forget your insulin.

Unfortunately, the most recent version of this exciting mod is getting a bit long in the tooth. However, a team is currently working on reviving the mod for newer versions.

Here you can download the CandyCraft mod

– Latest version: 1.8

Diese Schweinchen sehen nicht nur ungesund aus, sie sind es auch.

The Lost Cities: the post-apocalypse of the Minecraft world

If you’ve had enough of forests, meadows or caves full of magma flows, the mod The Lost Cities is the one for you: Here, the game world is expanded by huge urban canyons, which are already suffering from the ravages of time.

There are highways, bridges, tunnels, an underground network and of course a lot to loot. A little post-apocalypse doesn’t even hurt Minecraft.

Go here to download The Lost Cities

– Latest version: 1.12.2

Die Natur hat in der Lost Cities Mod Städte zurückerobert, jetzt könnt ihr die Städte wieder für euch einnehmen.

If you know of any other mods for Minecraft that you think belong on this list, feel free to write us in the comments and we’ll add your suggestions if necessary