The Ascent: How much playing time is in the action role-playing game

cyberpunk shooter The Ascent
cyberpunk shooter The Ascent

Main story, side quests, end game, replay value: We clarify how many hours of playing time you should plan for the action role-playing game.

The action role-playing game The Ascent can be bought for just under 30 euros on Steam. Xbox Games Pass owners can even immerse themselves in the cyberpunk setting at no additional cost.

But how much playing time should you plan for The Ascent? We tell you how long you need for the main and side quests, whether there is an end game and how high the replay value is.

How long will it take me to complete the main quest?

If you completely ignore the side quests in The Ascent and strictly follow the main story, you can easily finish the game in 10-15 hours. Although the main quests each have a level recommendation, you can usually complete them without additional grinding.

If you decide to ignore the fast travel system, the game may take a little longer. The walking paths in The Ascent are quite long, the character is in no hurry at all, there is no sprint button.

If you bite the dust on the way to a mission, the game can also set you back quite a bit. This means that you will have to take a long way again.

Die Hauptstory von The Ascent könnt ihr in einem Rutsch durchspielen, ohne euch von Nebenquests ablenken zu lassen.How long will it take me to complete the main and side quests?
If you want to take in the smaller narratives from the side quests as well as the main story, you can expect to play for 15-20 hours.

However, there is one small thing to note about the side quests: The level recommendations do not always correspond to the order in which the quests can be completed.

For example, it can happen that a level 5 quest sends you to an area that you can only enter after a level 17 main quest.

Die Level-Empfehlungen für die jeweiligen Quests, könnt ihr auf der Map einsehen.

Does The Ascent have an endgame?
No. For The Ascent, the developers Neon Giant have decided against an endgame. Once you have completed all the quests, the game is over.

By the way: After the final boss fight, you still have the opportunity to explore the game world at your leisure and complete the remaining side quests.

How high is the replay value?
The replay value of The Ascent is somewhat low. Since you don’t have to commit to a specific build in the game, a new playthrough won’t offer you a new game experience. On the other hand, you have a lot of room to experiment with the different weapons, augmentations and tactical equipment in the battles.

Have you played The Ascent yet
? How do you like the twin-stick shooter with cyberpunk setting so far? And what about the performance and bugs? Feel free to write us in the comments