The best MMORPGs 2021 for PC


New is not always better: Even in 2021, many classics are currently among the best MMORPGs. We present our favourites to you.

MMORPGs are real time-consumers. You can’t just play through them and then rush on to the next game. If you get into an MMORPG, you’ll spend dozens and hundreds of hours in it, unlocking everything, exploring the world and memorising the raids.

You prefer to play alone? No problem: We’ve compiled a separate list of the best MMOs for solo players.

To help you decide which game you should invest your precious time in, we have compiled a list of the best MMORPGs currently available. Current doesn’t mean new: many classics are still among the best representatives of the genre. Here are our favourites.

World of Warcraft

What is it about? World of Warcraft is probably the best-known MMORPG in the world and was released back in 2004. With regular add-ons and updates, developer Blizzard Entertainment keeps the game young. Even today, hardly any genre competitor comes close to the “king of MMORPGs”. With the WoW Classic spin-off, you can even dive into the past and relive the beginnings of World of Warcraft.

What makes World of Warcraft stand out
– An epic story that has evolved over the years
– An enormous scope through seven expansions by now
– Diverse and varied world
– Equal focus on PvE and PvP
– Accompanying cinematic trailers with goosebumps guaranteed
– A universe that spans from Warcraft to Hearthstone

Suitable for whom? Fans of classic MMORPGs who like to organise themselves into guilds and fight raids together in large groups still can’t get around the game today. World of Warcraft has a bit of everything and, with its Classic mode, also offers a decelerated alternative for newcomers and veterans.

What’s happening now? At the end of June, the long-awaited patch 9.1 was finally released, bringing fresh content to the Shadowlands. In addition to a new raid, a new zone and a new storyline, you can now finally fly in Shadowlands.

The Elder Scrolls Online

What’s it about? The Elder Scrolls Online is something like the online version of Skyrim, Morrowind and Co. Of course, the MMORPG differs in many ways from the single-player role-playing games, but it is set in familiar locations of the Elder Scrolls universe, also places a lot of emphasis on history and contains many familiar races.

What sets The Elder Scrolls Online apart
– Experience the Elder Scrolls world online with friends
– Focus on story and small stories
– Familiar peoples and places from the role-playing game template
– Lots of fanservice for Elder Scrolls fans
– Regular updates and expansions
– Fully dubbed quests

Suitable for whom? For all Elder Scrolls fans and story enthusiasts who like to play online, ESO offers just the right thing. Soloists also get their money’s worth in ESO, as colleague Sascha Penzhorn shows in his single-player test of ESO.

What’s happening right now? On the first of June, the gates of Oblivion opened with the new Blackwood chapter. In the new expansion, there is a lot of nostalgia and a new companion mechanic that provides you with friends and helpers, just like in Skyrim. In our review of ESO Blackwood you can find out why the Oblivion add-on is more than just pure nostalgia.

Eve Online

What’s it about? Eve Online is a space MMO with a complex economic system. You can fight wars, trade, and watch ships worth hundreds of thousands of dollars of property damage smash in a single battle with over 2,600 players.

This is what makes Eve Online special
– Complex economic system
– Players write their own stories
– Huge space battles
– Politics controlled by players
– Lots to do: combat, trade, exploration, mining and more
– Lives off its community
Who is it for? Eve Online appeals to a whole range of player groups. Do you like exploring space? Do you like to take on different roles and control the politics of a galaxy? Or do you enjoy complex and dynamic economic systems? If you answered yes to at least one of these questions, you might enjoy Eve: Online.

What is happening right now? Since 23 June, some visual updates are being tried out on the Singularity test server. Among other things, the lighting and colours are to be adjusted to take away the grey haze that currently lies over Eve Online.

Final Fantasy 14

What’s it about? With Final Fantasy 14, Square Enix has turned its JRPG classic into an MMORPG. The game features a magical and imaginative world filled with characters and creatures familiar to series veterans, such as chocobos.

What makes Final Fantasy 14 stand out
– Final Fantasy charm as an MMORPG
– Many familiar professions from the series
– Epic story that is constantly being expanded
– Chic JRPG style
Suitable for whom? If you don’t like western role-playing games and prefer the style of JRPGs, Final Fantasy 14 is the right choice for you. And of course, if you’re already a fan of the series.

What’s happening right now? At the Final Fantasy Fan Fest, the release date for the fourth expansion of the MMORPG was announced. You will be able to play Endwalker from 23 November 2021. Also announced at the Fan Fest were the reaper job and male Viera as playable races, which will also make their way into the game with Endwalker.

Star Wars: The Old Republic

What’s it about? Star Wars: The Old Republic is set around 300 years after the events of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. In contrast to the single-player role-playing game, however, it is a genuine MMORPG that Bioware regularly expands with updates and add-ons.

What makes Star Wars: The Old Republic special
– Official Star Wars licence
– Choice between Galactic Republic and Sith Empire
– Well-known music from the Star Wars films
– Captivating stories set 3,000 years before the rise of Darth Vader
– Fully dubbed dialogue
Suitable for whom? First and foremost, EA’s The Old Republic is aimed at Star Wars fans who have always wanted to be part of the sci-fi universe or have already dipped their toes in with games like Knights of the Old Republic and want some new fodder.

What’s happening right now? On the occasion of SW:TOR’s tenth birthday on 20 December 2021, the Star Wars MMO is to get a new expansion. The Legacy of the Sith will continue the story of Darth Malgus and include the return to a new planet. We don’t know which one it is yet.

Black Desert Online

What’s it about? Black Desert Online is a sandbox MMORPG by the South Korean studio Pearl Abyss and one of the most visually beautiful games in this top list. In addition to many story and side squats, the fantasy MMO offers a housing system and guild battles.

This is what makes Black Desert Online stand out
– Pretty graphics
– Action-packed battle system
– Complex trading system with player-driven economy
– Dynamic weather system and day/night cycle
– Extensive housing and crafting system
– Character editor with many options
Suitable for whom? Black Desert Online is not a theme park MMO, so as a player you will not be constantly taken by the hand and guided like in World of Warcraft. If this doesn’t bother you or you even like it, you belong to the target group of Black Desert Online. The combat system lets you aim directly at enemies and use combos. Fans of TERA or Skyforge might also enjoy Black Desert Online.

What’s happening now?
At the end of June, the new Season Update was released and introduced the Corsair as a new class in the game. She’s something of a cross between a pirate and a mermaid, and fights with guns in addition to water magic.

Guild Wars 2

What’s it about? Guild Wars 2 is an MMORPG from ArenaNet. The base game is free, but the expansions are paid for. Guild Wars 2 is set around 250 years after the first part and has two expansions in the meantime with Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire.

What makes Guild Wars 2 special
– PvP arenas and world-versus-world mode
– Difficult raids require appropriate builds
– Exploration of a large world that is constantly changing
– New storyline released regularly in episodes
For whom? In general, Guild Wars 2 covers a wide range of players, but especially PvP lovers will be attracted by the arenas and the world versus world mode. The dynamic battles are not as fast as those of Black Desert Online, for example, but they are a successful mix of classic activatable abilities and the fast-paced battles of modern action role-playing games.

Lord of the Rings Online

What is it about? Lord of the Rings Online is a community favourite of yours! In the comments, several of you have asked for the Lord of the Rings MMORPG to be in this list. Visually, it seems stuck in the past, but few games capture the Middle Earth magic as well as this one.

This is what makes Lord of the Rings Online stand out
– Many parts of Middle-earth covered (Moria, Bleakwood, Shire, Rivendell, Isengard, Rohan, etc.).
– Dense Lord of the Rings atmosphere
– Set at the same time as the novels and films
– Familiar characters like Gandalf, Frodo and Legolas
– Learns instruments and plays them in real time
Suitable for whom? Since graphics and some mechanics seem old-fashioned compared to MMO competition, the game is primarily aimed at Lord of the Rings fans.

What’s happening now?
Only in October 2020, a new expansion called “War of the Three Peaks” was released for Lord of the Rings Online. It revolves around Prince Durin, son of Thorin Stonehelm and entices with new missions, a 6-person instance and a new raid. Executive Producer Rob Ciccolini explains what will happen next in a letter to the community.

A major graphics and tech update is planned for HdRO in 2022 as part of the new Lord of the Rings series. But don’t get your hopes up for a new Lord of the Rings MMO, because the planned game from Amazon has been cancelled.

Star Trek Online

What’s it about? What Lord of the Rings Online is for Middle Earth fans, Star Trek Online is for Trekkies. You dive into the popular science fiction universe and also meet well-known characters from the TV series.

What makes Star Trek Online special
– Star Trek Licence
– Ties in with the series and continues the story
– Exciting space battles
– You are captain of your own ship
Suitable for whom? If you like space but find Eve: Online too complicated, Star Trek Online is a good alternative. Trekkies will also enjoy familiar races, conflicts and characters. Apart from the great space battles, however, the game suffers from weak ground missions.

Blade & Soul

What’s it about? Blade & Soul is a fighting MMO from the South Korean developer NCsoft. You choose one of eleven fighting styles such as Kungfu Master or Blade Dancer and compete against other fighters.

This is what makes Blade & Soul special
– Many different fighting styles
– Kung Fu as an MMORPG
– Far Eastern style
– Classic revenge story
– Extensive background story with technical terms (Jianghu, Wulin, Wushu, etc.)
Suitable for whom? While MMORPGs such as World of Warcraft and The Elder Scrolls Online appeal to a wide range of players with fantasy scenarios, Blade & Soul is aimed primarily at kung fu enthusiasts and lovers of Asian culture.

This is already noticeable in the technical terms: Blade & Soul is set in Jianghu, a state of the world where society is breaking down. There you find the society of martial artists, the so-called Wulin. And their martial art, Wushu, is divided into many different styles for you to choose from.


What’s it about? With Neverwinter, we have added an MMORPG for pen&paper lovers to our list. The game is not based on Neverwinter Nights, but directly on Dungeons & Dragons and the novel trilogy by R. A. Salvatore.

This is what makes Neverwinter stand out
– Dungeons & Dragons flair
– Dynamic battle system
– Set about 100 years after the events of Neverwinter Nights 2
– Free2Play
Suitable for whom? Neverwinter is Free2Play, but also requires a good portion of grind in some places. Those who are not deterred by this will get an MMORPG that captures the Neverwinter atmosphere with its familiar places, peoples and cultures.

The dynamic combat system is also based on D&D, but plays faster than in the leisurely original. This means that not only your character stats and equipment, but also your skills contribute to the success of the battles.

If you not only want to know which MMOs are currently exciting, but which ones are still planned for 2021, you should definitely take a look at our article on the upcoming MMOs 2021. There you’ll find an overview of all the exciting new MMOs that await you this year: