The creators of Age of Empires have a new real-time strategy game for you with Citadel






From the Middle Ages to space:InProject Citadelformer Ensemble Studios employees give you control of a spaceship fleet. With it: Roguelike elements.

Project Citadel is supposed to offer a single-player campaign and let you compete against a superior force with limited resources. A turn-based sector map lets you progress, and in combat you build stations like shipyards from your mothership. If your armada perishes, you restart the current instance.


Among the eleven employees of the new studio Last Keep are veterans of real-time strategy who have already worked on Age of Empires, Age of Mythology and Halo Wars One of them, Dave Pottinger, complains in an interview with Videogamer that today’s real-time strategy games are not evolving.

»You’re still playing the same game we played 20 years ago,« says Pottinger.

»You’re still playing the same game we played 20 years ago,« says Pottinger. “When I look at some of these new games – Stormgate and others – they’re still largely based on that formula. It works, it’s an old, golden set of rules, because it was good back then and it’s still good today, and it’s nice to see that it still works.”


For Project Citadel, however, they wanted to try something new, similar to what Against the Storm has successfully done for city-building games. Early Access is scheduled to start on Steam in 2025.