The Elder Scrolls 6: Concrete information on release and setting – this is how realistic the leak is




The Elder Scrolls with Hammerfell as the setting, a big faction tech romp and a release in 2025 to 2026? That’s the promise of a not-so-implausible leak.

When is The Elder Scrolls 6 coming? It’s a question that’s probably on the minds of many fans of the long-running role-playing series. Now a leak could reveal new details about the release and also about the setting and factions. We provide you with all the information – and how credible the source is.

What a new leak could reveal about TES6

Where did the info come from? The potential leak on Elder Scrolls 6 can be traced back to a tweet by the user Skullzi. He already provided the alleged details about the upcoming Bethesda role-playing game on 26 April, which was announced back at E3 2018.

Release: The Elder Scrolls 6 is currently said to be aiming for a release between 2025 and 2026. Accordingly, we would have to wait another three to four years before the next part of the role-playing game series is released. In our analysis of the potential release date, we were somewhat less optimistic and did not expect The Elder Scrolls 6 before 2027/2028.

Fans should note, however, that numerous video game releases in recent years have been plagued by delays and postponements. Therefore, if Skullzi’s information is correct, it does not automatically mean that this vague date can be met.

Regardless, The Elder Scrolls 6 is said to finally be in full development. This means that the Bethesda developers are now concentrating on the new role-playing game, after it had been in the concept phase for the time being since the announcement in 2018. Todd Howard, for example, also confirmed this in January 2021 (via Telegraph). If Skullzi’s info is true, Starfield could be well on its way to its planned release on 11 November 2022.

Setting: The leak could confirm what many fans already suspect: The Elders Scrolls 6 is to go to Hammerfell. Not only did the first teaser trailer for the role-playing game point to this, Bethesda itself has repeatedly given hints in recent years. For example, via a tweet or Easter Egg in a Starfield trailer.

Hammerfell is the home of the Rothwardons, who already roamed the game world of Skyrim. In the Elder Scrolls universe, the area is located to the west of Cyrodiil and Skysrand, as well as to the south of Highrock. The climate is warm and Hammerfell itself is dotted with much sand and some deserts.

Factions: Skullzi does not reveal what factions will play a role in The Elder Scrolls 6. But he wants to know that the new spin-off will offer a kind of political system that is noticeably influenced by alliances, betrayals and even marriages. What exactly we can expect from this, however, remains open.

In previous Bethesda role-playing games such as Fallout 3 or 4, the player could always work for different factions and lead at least one of them to victory. In Skyrim, there were larger and smaller factions that sometimes had more, sometimes less relevant influence on the game world. For the main story, however, even the main factions – Imperials and Stormcloaks – were not really relevant.

Gameplay: The Elder Scrolls 6 is supposed to do without dragons. That wouldn’t be all that surprising, since dragons were already the flagship of Skyrim and also played a leading role in various expansions for The Elder Scrolls Online. From a narrative point of view, it would make sense to come up with something new for the next part of the series.

How credible is the Leak? Skullzi claims to have learned his information from an anonymous source, which he does not describe in detail. Nevertheless, Skullzi is considered credible; after all, his predictions have hit the mark many times in the past.

Skullzi’s potential leak is also supported by Shpeshal_Nick – another reliable insider. Only with regard to the role of the dragons in The Elder Scrolls 6 does he contradict Skullzi. Otherwise, he describes the alleged information as accurate

Don’t get excited too soon: Of course, fans should nevertheless view the leak with a healthy pinch of scepticism. At this point, there is no official confirmation of it – and there probably won’t be any soon. After all, Starfield is likely to be Bethesda’s top priority in the coming months. Everything you need to know about it can be found in the following overview.

Starfield: What we know so far about Bethesda’s sci-fi epic


What we know about TES6 so far

Concrete or official information about The Elder Scrolls 6 remains absolutely manageable at the moment. So far, Bethesda has only let it be known that the role-playing game is indeed coming.

What do you think of the alleged leak of The Elder Scrolls 6: Is the potential information about the role-playing game credible in your eyes? Or do you think it’s nonsense? Also, let us know your hopes and wishes for the RPG sequel in the comments!