The Finals: 5 crucial tips that the shooter is guaranteed not to tell you


In this guide, we summarize some well-hidden mechanics for you that can make the difference between victory and defeat!

The Finals explains the basics in its tutorial, but leaves out a lot of important information.

To give you a big advantage over the competition in the arena, we’ve put together a list of tips that the game doesn’t give away! Here are our top 5 tips:

1. mantle jumping

This movement mechanic is not explained anywhere in the game, but with a little practice it can expand your repertoire of movement options immensely

To activate the mantle jump, you must first climb up an object – this works on walls, rooftops, railings, platforms and more. As soon as your character grabs the ledge and pulls themselves up, press the jump button and a direction button

You can also press backwards (S on the keyboard or pull back the stick) and jump at the same time, for example, to push yourself off the wall again or quickly dodge sideways while climbing. Together with the dash ability in particular, this mechanic enables exciting new maneuvers.

2. the window trick

If you often have problems getting to higher floors (especially when attacking well-defended positions), then watch out: Each of the three classes can jump from window to window on the outside of the facade  – without any stairs!

(Taking the stairs is often dangerous and takes a long time. The window trick helps!)
(Taking the stairs is often dangerous and takes a long time. The window trick helps!)

How it works? Simply break the panes or shutters on the first floor, stand directly in the frame of the window, turn outwards and look upwards. Now press the jump button, turn around to face the wall of the house and hit the jump button again.

Your character pulls himself upwards. This way you can easily reach the next floor – and even the roof if there is no railing. This saves you the tedious search for an elevator or climbing rope!

3. destruction without explosion

In The Finals, it often makes more sense to use level destruction to your advantage and strike from an unexpected angle than to go for a frontal assault. But you don’t have an explosive at hand? You can also use goo barrels

The pink canisters of Goo are scattered all over the maps. When fired upon, they explode into large lumps and block entrances or lines of sight, for example. What few people know: You can also use them for demolition!

(Good to know: Goo chunks like the one on the right in the picture have a high weight and can damage buildings!)
(Good to know: Goo chunks like the one on the right in the picture have a high weight and can damage buildings!)

Throw a Goo canister into the air as vertically as possible above your target, shoot it at the highest point and the goo lump will tear a hole in the ground below you just from the height of the fall and create a new entrance. Physics:

4. fire kills through the wall

The fire from pyro grenades works through walls and ceilings and can kill enemies who think they are safe from you. The incendiary bombs always affect the point of impact and the side directly opposite

For example, if enemies have entrenched themselves above you and are waiting comfortably for their cashout, surprise them with a sudden fire from below: Throw the pyro grenade against the ceiling on the floor below and you’ll cause chaos and deal a lot of damage.

Be careful, because fire can also injure your teammates! Very important: This effect does not work with the Heavy-class flamethrower. It must therefore be the fire grenade, which is available to all classes

5. elemental effects & counters

Many of the physics and environmental effects in The Finals follow a strict rock-paper-scissors principle. This means there is a direct counter to almost all gadgets or annoying obstacles such as fire, poison gas & Co.

(No class survives long in the fire. Smoke is the quick solution!)
(No class survives long in the fire. Smoke is the quick solution!)

Bad thing: They are not explained in the game! You should definitely know the following:

Fire works against gas: Throw incendiary devices into gas clouds and they dissolve in seconds.
Smoke works against fire: Fires are extinguished directly by smoke grenades and smoke canisters.
Fire works against Goo: If a Goo wall blocks you, you can tear it down immediately with fire.
Goo works against gas: Poison gas cannot penetrate Goo, so you can shield yourself.

And if invisible opponents of the Light class often get on your nerves in The Finals, there are a few good counters for this too. If you are also playing Light, then pack Motion Sensors – you can set them up and once placed, they will reveal enemies in the vicinity.

Medium players can use either the Tracking Dart, Recon Vision or the Sonar Grenade to detect invisible enemies. The Heavy class cannot detect invisible enemies