The Gran Tourismo for motorbike fans?


The release of RIDE 5 is just around the corner. We had the opportunity to play the game exclusively for you.

As the gates to the showroom opened, we were greeted not only by the friendly team from Milestone, but also by a host of play-test PCs and the motorbike on the cover of RIDE 5, the BMW M1000RR. Charmingly presented, we received exclusive insights into gameplay features, innovations in technology and plans for the latest part of the RIDE game series.

“Not a Simulation but a Game “

With these words we were introduced to the game, which is the second motorbike racing game of the developer studio besides MotoGP. While MotoGP is a pure simulation, RIDE 5 is meant to offer players a somewhat “lighter” gameplay that is a mixture of arcade racers and SimRacers. Despite this beginner-friendliness, RIDE 5 is not an arcade racer like Need-for-Speed or Asphalt, but more of a SimRacer that offers the players, similar to Gran Toursimo 5, aids and facilitations, called “Aids”, with which the racers can adjust their individual game experience according to their preferences. In addition to smaller aids such as auto-braking and the rewind feature, there are also larger aids such as auto-acceleration and -steering, which play a major role in the accessibility theme. Particularly exciting is the Gamespeed Reduction feature, which, for example, gives new players an easier entry into the racing world in the style of Mario Kart “cc” classes.

The community has spoken

The developers at Milestone appreciate their community and therefore actively listen to their criticism. Thanks to them, the finished game features a new game mode called “Gamedirector Mode”, where players can take on the role of race director and oversee the gameplay. In addition, RIDE 5 has an online multiplayer with up to 20 players, which has 2023-compliant crossplay. But you can not only play online with your friends, because the split screen mode also allows you to ride with a friend offline on a console on the track. Unfortunately, when asked, we were told that no VR support is planned.

The conclusion to RIDE 5

Overall, RIDE 5 offers everything a modern racing game should have. In addition to the improved gameplay and the easier entry for new players, the career mode, personalisation and tuning of the motorbikes are just some of the innovations that the game has in store.

RIDE 5 will be released on 23 August for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series S/X and PC.