The greatest Settlers hope is now free to play on Steam


You want to try Pioneers of Pagonia from the creator of The Settlers for free. We’ll tell you how to do it

You’ve probably heard the story a few times: Volker Wertich, creator of The Settlers, actually worked for Ubisoft on the latest Settlers part, then he left the project, The Settlers: New Alliances was developed further without him and resulted in … well, not a very good game.

Volker Wertich, on the other hand, is working on the big counterparty to the official The Settlers: Pioneers of Pagonia wants to offer everything that Ubisoft doesn’t – and from playing it so far, we can only confirm that. And you can now make up your own mind! Since October 2, 2023, a demo of Pioneers of Pagonia can be activated via Steam. And it’s very easy to do.

How to download the demo of Pioneers of Pagonia

Go to (the official store page of Pioneers of Pagonia) and scroll down a bit. Below the Early Access block you will find the green Download Demo button. Click on it and the game will be added to your Steam library and you can start the download. Easy, isn’t it?

What’s in the demo?

The demo is about 2 GB and contains three procedurally generated map types, on which you can let off steam within a certain range. In concrete terms, this means that you can build up to an upper limit of 100 buildings, but until then you can completely indulge in your building fantasy. According to the developer, the scope is intended for three to four hours.

When will the game be released properly?

Pioneers of Pagonia received a concrete Early Access date a while ago. Starting December 13, 2023, you’ll be able to scurry around in an early stage of the game, so it’s perfect for the Christmas vacation. From that point on, it’s supposed to take about six months until the final release – during which time, logically, new mechanics will be added to the game all the time.

For example, compared to the original closed alpha test, the demo already includes the ability to immediately tear down streets that have just been confirmed.