The Lost Crown: New trailer explains gameplay mechanics


At the weekend Ubisoft released a new gameplay video for Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown. It goes into detail about the various mechanics of the platformer. We summarize the most important information for you

In Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown, Prince Hassan is kidnapped by a group of strangers and taken to Mount Qaf. At the same time, a temporal anomaly collapses over the mountain, mixing the past with the future. Now it is up to the Immortals, an elite unit, to find the prince again. That’s why we slip into the role of the youngest member of this squad, Sargon.

With him we venture through the course of the mountain with Metroidvania elements, fight numerous enemies and communicate with NPCs who either share useful goods or give up side quests.

In close combat Hassan draws his two swords, while in range combat he resorts to his bow. As The Lost Crown progresses, we will also unlock variousskills to access new passages.
There are also the additional boosts that you receive from new pendants for Sagon’s chain  However, there are only a few slots available, so you have to make good decisions.

Last but not least, Prince of Persia is also peppered with smaller Souls-like features  For example, so-called Wakwak trees grow on Mount Qaf, which act as storage locations and replenish your health points and healing potions. However, if you make use of one of these trees, your previously defeated enemies will respawn

The Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown is scheduled for release on January 18, 2024 for PC, PlayStation, Xbox, Switch and Amazon Luna.