The new Apex trailer looks like an episode from Love, Death and Robots

Apex legends Trailer
Apex legends Trailer

In Apex Legends, the next chapter will start in a few weeks. In season 10, called Resurrection, a new character joins the battle royale shooter: Seer, who has microdrones and a very special eye.

In a first story trailer, the makers present the background story of Seer, whose birth was accompanied by an unusual event and had a great influence. Incidentally, the style of the video is not reminiscent of Love, Death and Robots. EA and Respawn have engaged director Robert Valley, who was already responsible for the episodes “Zima Blue” and “Ice” for the Netflix series.

In addition to the new Legends, Season 10 of Apex Legends features a new machine gun, a ranked mode for the Arena and the map “Edge of the World” will be reworked. The update will be released on 3 August for PC and consoles.