The new Delta Force is about to enter alpha, so you have the best chance of getting a key


The hotly anticipated Battlefield competitor starts its Play Test on Steam on August 6. We’ll show you how to get access

WithDelta Force: Hawk Opsone of the most anticipated shooters is about to enter alpha– and with a bit of luck, you can take part. If you’re excited about Delta Force: Hawk Ops, you can find out how to enter the play test here

How to get access to the Steam Alpha of Delta Force

1) Register for the test

The Alpha Test of Delta Force: Hawk Ops starts already onTuesday, August 6, 2024and there are tworegularways to participate – unfortunately all are dependent on luck.

  • You canregister for the testvia the official website. You will need an account with the publisher Level Infinite. If you have previously played games such asArena BreaktoutorTarislandyou may already have such an account.
  • You can alternatively or additionally try to register directly via the game’sSteam pageof the game. Simply request access to the Play Test there.

However, there is no guarantee of participation, you have to be lucky with both versions.

2) Twich Drops

The surest way to get a place in the beta is to use the Twitch Drops.

To make it work, you need to consider the following:

Delta Force: Hawk Ops is fundamentally different from the previous parts of the series: Instead of a tactical shooter, you get a true Battlefield competitor here – with bombastic Unreal Engine 5 graphics, large teams of 32 players each and class-based operators

There is also a remake of the legendary Black Hawk Down campaign for single-player fans. The complete package is to be released as a Free2Play title, a release date has not yet been set.