The Settlers: Building game surprises with release date, many innovations and name change


The Settlers has a new name, a new release date and new game modes. Find out exactly what fans of the strategy series can now expect in our overview.

There is finally a sign of life from The Settlers! After a disappointing beta and scathing criticism from the community, Ubisoft had postponed the game indefinitely. Now there is a new release date, a new name and info on the new game modes of the series reboot.

On 17 February 2023, The Settlers: New Alliances will be released for the PC
, at the same time a release for Playstation, Xbox and Nintendo Switch is also planned. Not only that: We now also know more about the planned game modes Solo Campaign, Extreme Mode and Battle. We have summarised all the important info for you.

What went wrong until now? If you want to remind yourself what exactly the problems of the new Settlers are and why they are causing so much disappointment among the fans, take a look at the detailed analysis by Thomas Our in-house strategy expert reveals why Ubisoft faced an unsolvable problem with the return of the series right from the start:

The Settlers is back, now that”s new

New name: The latest part is no longer just called The Settlers, but from now on The Settlers: New Alliances

New release date: There was only a very brief concrete date for the launch of The Settlers. Actually, it should have been released this year on 17 March, but was postponed indefinitely shortly after the announcement, as it was two years ago  Now we know: The Settlers: New Alliances will be released on 17 February 2023.

(New platforms): For the release on 17 February 2023, The Settlers will no longer only be released for the PC, but also on consoles – i.e. also Playstation, Xbox and Nintendo Switch. Cross-play and cross-progression are even planned for this. This means that you will be able to play together with others across platforms and also save your progress independently of your device.

(New Game Modes): In the video update for The Settlers: New Alliances, the developers responsible have also presented important changes for the building game economy-driven real-time strategy game . Specifically, it is about three different game modes in which New Alliances can be played:

  • (Solo Campaign): The story here revolves around the Elari people, who are forced to flee their homeland and are now searching for land in previously unknown areas in order to settle there. Unsurprisingly, this is a classic single-player experience.
  • (Extreme Mode): This game mode can be mastered alone or together with friends. Support probably doesn”t hurt here, the AI is supposed to become a real challenge through numerous modifiers and conditions . Even the best Settlers veterans should be put to the test here.
  • (Battle): Last but not least, there is a cooperative mode in which up to eight players compete against the AI at the same time. At launch there will be 12 maps for Gefecht.

The video explains how else the team has improved The Settlers in recent months. And surprise: they actually bring back the forester!

Pre-orders now started: The Settlers: New Alliances is now available for pre-order. A standard version is available for 60 euros, and a deluxe edition with digital artbook and additional skins, titles and cosmetic content is available for 80 euros. The pre-order bonuses also include three skins for the towers, a unique title and a one-day shard booster.

The most important info on The Settlers: New Alliances

The Settlers: New Alliances will be released for PC and consoles on 17 February 2023 after a veritable development odyssey. When we were finally allowed to play the game at the beginning of 2022, we drew a devastating preliminary conclusion: not a good Settlers, not a good game. We also received harsh criticism from the community, although your wishes for the comeback of the building series would actually be quite clear.

What do you think of the new information on the game modes of The Settlers: New Alliances? Are you looking forward to the upcoming release in February 2023 or do you remain sceptical? Let us know in the comments!