The Sims 4: You can get rich by doing nothing and without any cheats


If only this trick would work in real life! Someone has figured out how easy it is to cheat employers in The Sims 4.

Lolling around at home, playing PC games and watching a paycheck land in your mailbox every month?That sounds like a dream that hardly anyone can live out in real life. Unless you have really, really rich parents. But at least in

And no, we’re not talking about cheats here!So don’t even think about trying to add Motherload to your cheat bar. While it will still help you make money faster, this new method from a Reddit user is much more fun.

Here you can cheat your employer at the same time! Which we would never advise you to do in real life, ahem.

Get rich by sitting around

In September, The Sims 4 celebrated its 10th birthday, which is quite an age! You would think that every glitch, exploit and trick would be well known by now. But a Reddit user has only just discovered how easy it is for him to cheat on his employers. He describes his method as follows:

My Sim has high standing, which annoyingly means she gets job offers ranked 5 or higher every other day, which I always rejected. She’s a stay-at-home mom and the father earns a lot, so I just left it. But then I realized that you automatically get 3 days of vacation when you start a new job. So I just took new jobs, took 3 days of vacation and then quit. Money for doing nothing!

A method that sounds so simple that you probably don’t even think about it!But yes, since paid vacation days were introduced in The Sims 4, you always have three days off for every job you take. This wasn’t available at the release of The Sims 4, but was added a few months later with the update to version

And apparently no one at the developers has ever noticed that the system can be massively exploited. After all, you get the vacation days immediately and then effectively don’t have to go to work a single day. The only thing that comes close to work is that you have to regularly call your employer to take time off. Oh, and you have to find a new job every three days.

There are more

Of course, the easiest method is still to simply memorize motherload, kaching or rosebud. But sometimes it can be fun to use a completely different method to make easy money. Even if it’s just marrying a rich Sim and then putting him out on the street.

In the Reddit thread about vacation days, there are a few more elaborate suggestions for making quick money. One user suggests selling the career rewards you get for doing nothing. Still others see a career as a gardener as a good way to accumulate a lot of Simoleons with as little work as possible.

With the help of the seasonal expansions, some users also suggest creating long holidays on a regular basis. This way, Sims can take time off and still get paid. Now we just have to find a way to implement this in reality. Then we could all play more Sims.