The Witcher 3: Brand new update just released to improve the next-gen version


Patch 4.02 makes the Next-Gen update a bit prettier. You can adjust motion blur manually in the future, the water gets new effects and bugs disappear. Here are the patch notes.

Ah, we live in wild times. So many years after release The Witcher 3 again receives regular new updates. First the big next-gen patch updates the game”s visuals and removes a lot of comfort flaws, then there”s the next patch for PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X.

Update 4.02 builds on the next-gen expansion fixes some issues, including quest bugs, but also adds a few new features. For example:

  • The water gets even more atmosphere with SSR and ray tracing reflections.
  • You can adjust Motion Blur with a slider in the future.
  • Graphic errors in Toussaint with activated Nvidia HairWorks are now gone.
  • CPU performance should improve with DX12.
  • Broken brick textures are no longer broken.

This update mainly fixes small things, but as expected, it won”t change much of the fundamentally very positive impression of the Next-Gen version:

Page 2: The Witcher 3: Just released a brand new update that improves the next-gen version

Patch 4.02 for The Witcher: Wild Hunt is coming soon to PC, PlayStation and Xbox! In addition to various bug fixes, the general stability and performance of the game will also be improved.

Further below is a list of the most important changes of this update.


  • Improved use of CPU cores in the DX 12 version.
  • Horizon-based environment occlusion restored. Players who had their environment occlusion disabled will need to disable it again. You can find this under Options → Video → Graphics.
  • Fixed a bug where the “My Rewards” section in the REDlauncher was not located.
  • Fixed a bug where the landscape in Toussaint would flicker when NVIDIA HairWorks was enabled.
  • Fixed a bug with particle optimisation that could cause the game to jerk temporarily.


  • The performance mode on next-gen consoles has been improved.
  • Fixed a bug where characters were slightly blurred during dialogue and video sequences on PlayStation 5.
  • Fixed a bug where memory usage in ray tracing mode could cause crashes on Xbox Series X.
  • What a man sows … – The game will no longer crash on next-gen consoles when Geralt runs away from Shani after the conversation has started.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented quick save saves from loading when using cross-platform progression on Xbox One.
  • Two missing “First Class Swords!” have been added on older consoles.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause the oldest save to be deleted on PlayStation 5 when overwriting manual saves.
  • Fixed performance issues in Beauclair and Novigrad that occurred after a save was loaded.

GRAFIC – Exclusive changes for PC and Next-Gen consoles

  • Better immersion and look of water with the addition of SSR and ray tracing for reflections.
  • Fixed a visual bug with brick textures that caused stone arches to be covered in black artifacts.
  • A slider for motion blur has been added. You can find it under Options → Video → Graphics.

QUESTS & GAMEPLAY – Available on all platforms

  • Preparations for Battle – Added a missing dialogue option without which no progress could be made on the quest when completing the objective “Let Avallac”h know everything is ready.”
  • State Reason – Fixed a bug where the door to the warehouse could be permanently locked if the player knocked, entered the building, and then immediately left.
  • Treasure Hunt: Cat School Equipment Upgrade Schemes – Part 1 – Fixed a bug where the quest would sometimes remain active even though the schemas were found.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented players from playing the expansions in “Standalone” mode when trying to start a new game in “New Game +” mode with an incompatible save until they restarted the game.

LOKALISATION – Available on all platforms

  • Fixed a bug with the Korean localisation of Ciri and Geralt”s Gwint card descriptions.
  • Fixed a punctuation error in the Arabic localisation.
  • The Traditional Chinese font has been improved.

Note: These are just the most noticeable changes. The patch includes numerous minor bug fixes that are not included in this list.

How do you like the NextGen version of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt? Did you start a new adventure with Geralt and Ciri with the upgrade or perhaps even play the role-playing game from CD Projekt Red for the first time? What kind of experience have you had with it so far? Let us know in the comments!