The Witcher 3 NextGen: These 15 popular mods will also run with the upgrade


The upgrade can also be modified with some mods. CD Projekt Red has now communicated which ones will already work at release.

On 14 December, swords will once again be wielded, monsters slaughtered and characters gesticulated – the next-gen version of The Witcher 3 will be released! But if you can”t imagine a Witcher adventure without mods, there”s good news now: Some of the most popular mods from the original title will also run with the new version.

Find out how good the upgrade really looks compared to the old The Witcher 3 in the following video:

These popular mods also run with NextGen

CD Projekt Red has released a (list) of which of the 30 highly sought-after mods will run with the upgrade right at release – at least half seem to work without a hitch, though the studio also makes it clear that they can”t promise anything 100 percent until the final release. 

So which mods you can probably download directly, we have listed for you here:

Modname What will be changed
All Quest Objectives On Map This will show you all active quests on the map at the same time. So you no longer walk past a quest unknowing.
Over 9000 – Weight limit mod The Dragonball reference is actually not quite accurate, as your weight limit increases to exactly 9000 (kilos? Or whatever unit of measurement is used in the Northern Kingdoms).
Fast Travel from Anywhere The name says it all. You can teleport from any place to a fast travel point.
Super Turbo lighting Mod The lighting is still screwed on a bit throughout the game.
High Quality Faces If the NextGen jump isn”t enough for you, you can improve the face quality of the NPCs a little bit more with this mod.
Increased Creature Loot To make hunting really worthwhile, this mod gives you more loot from slaughtered animals and monsters
Better Trophies If you defeat a really big monster, you are guaranteed a trophy. With the mod, a trophy gives you 5 per cent bonus damage against the same enemy types, as well as a unique bonus.

Lore-friendly Witchers Witchers eyes look a bit more inhuman and more as described in the books.
No Fall Damage Geralt takes no fall damage at all and can happily jump down from any height.
No Dirty Lens Effect The mod removes the effect that the screen or lens looks a bit dirty and has slight stains.
More Money For Traders The traders have 5000 crowns every time you browse their menu. So you can sell a lot more at once without looking for another trader
The Gwent Card Dealer The new Gwent Card Dealer will sell you 99% of all Gwent Cards. So if you ever miss one, you can probably buy it here.
Disable storybook videos The flashbacks that run when the game starts are history with the mod (badumm tss).
Gerald HairWorks Colors and Styles There are more hairstyles and hair colours for Gerald”s hair, beard and eyebrows
TW3 Gameplay Tweaks Many tweaks included here, including: Race with the Witcher Sense, no forced tutorial, no level restrictions on swords and armor, etc.

What about the other mods? 

But the remaining 15 will also potentially follow soon, if the modders so choose. (CD Projekt Red has also announced) that soon the Mod Editor (Wolvenkit) will receive an update, so that modders can soon work well with the next-gen version.

The Witcher universe is currently on everyone”s lips again: In addition to the upgrade for The Witcher 3, you can also expect a new Netflix series this month, Geralt makes it into the world of Fortnite, and CD Projekt Red is currently working on several new Witcher games.

Will you be filling The Witcher 3 with mods again or would you rather get the pure Witcher feeling with the vanilla version? And what is your favourite or most important mod that definitely can”t be missed for the third Witcher? Feel free to write it in the comments!