The Witcher: A New Saga begins – Developer confirms fan theory about the medallion in the teaser


The medallion from the teaser for the new Witcher part probably doesn’t show a cat, but a lynx. What could this mean for the story? And does that speak against Ciri in the main role?

CD Projekt Red surprisingly announced a new part of their Witcher series at this year’s GDC. There is still hardly any information about The Witcher: A New Saga begins. There is only a teaser image of a medallion in the snow, which is already causing a lot of discussion on the internet.

We initially interpreted the animal on the teaser as a cat, which could have pointed to Ciri in the main role. However, CD Projekt Red’s Global Community Director Marcin Momot has now confirmed the theory that the medallion is a lynx and not a cat (yes, lynxes are also cats, you know what we mean) on Twitter with a “nod”:

The Witch Schools and the Lynx Medallion

Fans of the Witcher games and books might now notice that we don’t know the Witcher School of the Lynx at all. And indeed, this school is not part of the official canon of the Witcher series.

In the books themselves, there is only talk of three schools: Wolf, Gryphon and Cat. It is also these three medallions that Ciri takes from the bounty hunter Leo Bonhart. She gives the first to Geralt, the second to Yennefer. The cat medallion she keeps herself. Hence our original theory that she might slip into the lead role in the latest instalment.

On closer inspection, the medallion from the teaser doesn't show a cat, but a lynx. A hint of fanfiction?
On closer inspection, the medallion from the teaser doesn’t show a cat, but a lynx. A hint of fanfiction?

The Witcher games brought additional witch schools: viper, bear and manticore. So it would be quite conceivable that CDPR deviates further from the books for their latest Witcher installment and introduces a new school of witchcraft. But the School of the Lynx is not completely unknown. It is based on a fanfiction and could already provide the first clues to the canonical ending of The Witcher 3 and the story of the latest Witcher part.

What could the lynx school mean for the next Witcher game?

According to fan fiction, the School of the Lynx was founded after the events of The Witcher 3, more specifically after the wiping out of the Wolf School, of which Geralt and his foster daughter Ciri were also members.

Its founders include the sorcerer Lambert and his partner, the sorceress Keira Metz. The Lynx School emerges from the former Cat School and aims to redeem the bad reputation of the Assassin Witches through new reforms.

Warning: the following paragraph contains spoilers

Both Lambert and Keira can die in The Witcher 3. So if CD Projekt Red is indeed relying on the fanfiction surrounding the School of the Lynx, this could also provide a first hint at the canonical ending, in which the two survive.

Moreover, it could already say something about Ciri’s fate. In The Witcher 3, we can reach two good endings. In one scenario Ciri becomes the Empress of Nilfgaard, but in the other she goes her own way and becomes a sorceress. It is quite possible that she will join the founding of a new school of witches and thus still be considered as a protagonist for The Witcher: A New Saga begins. Of course, we can’t rule out the possibility that the new part of the series will feature a completely new character that we’ve never seen before in books or games. ]

What do you think of this fan theory? Do you think CD Projekt Red could use fan fiction as inspiration for the new Witcher? Who would you like to see in the lead role? Let us know in the comments!