There falls even Sauron the ring into the fire: Gollum has heavy system requirements


The new stealth game from the Hamburg studio Daedalic requires a really powerful computer in order to run with Gollum through Middle Earth.

These system requirements for The Lord of the Rings: Gollum will cause discussion! The new sneaking game from the house of Daedalic was recently (provided with a detailed list), in which the entire hardware requirements for any graphics options can be viewed.

But can it run Gollum?

Daedalic obviously takes its claim as a next-gen adventure very seriously. Because as it turns out, you’ll need a pretty thick device under your desk for Gollum. For example, if you want to play on Full HD and with 60 FPS, you’ll need an RTX 3060 even with medium presets. At least you can even enable ray tracing with it, but only if you help out the frame rate a bit with DLSS.

If you want to play Gollum on the best possible settings, i.e. with ray tracing, in 4K and with 60 FPS, then you’ll need at least a 4080, with DLSS enabled in performance mode. The complete table can be seen here:

The system requirements have also been adjusted on Steam. There, an RTX 4070 and a Radeon RX 6800 XT are now listed as the recommended graphics card. For comparison: for the open-world masterpiece Red Dead Redemption 2, an RTX 1070 is sufficient, and The Last of Us Part 1, which was released on Steam in March, recommends a 3060.

Where does the hardware hunger come from?

Surely, Gollum is considered a next-gen adventure and has been promoted as such since it was announced. At the same time, the sneaking game hasn’t exactly stood out due to graphical opulence so far. On the contrary. On YouTube (the visuals are regularly ridiculed) and also with us in the comments, the general look causes restrained reactions, to say the least.

A new ray tracing trailer was recently released to highlight Gollum’s graphics, however: