This is how the Goal Zones work in Pokémon Unite


Pokémon Unite combines the popular franchise with the world of MOBA and also offers several innovations. Here’s what you need to know about the game’s goal zones.

Pikachu ahead, one more goal! Pokémon Unite is currently conquering the video game market. Although the title is basically oriented towards the MOBA genre (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena), it also brings some new elements into the game. For example, there are several goal zones in which you collect points. We explain how this mechanic works.

What are the Goal Zones?
The Goal Zones are round fields with a ring hovering over them. There are a total of ten such zones spread across the arena, of which each team has five goals. Players must sink their collected Aeos energy into the opponent’s gates. This scores points and destroys the gates one by one.

Of course, you don’t let the attackers shoot baskets and score points without defence, but you also have to defend the zones. If one of the defending players is standing on the field, he receives a shield bonus and regenerates life points. Sitrus berries also spawn near the goals. If you collect these, you also receive life points. However, if the first gate is destroyed, the berries disappear. So make sure you are always ready to defend.

Pikachu erzielt einen Korb. Bild: Nintendo

Destroy and defend
But how are the zones destroyed in the first place? For this, a certain number of points must be earned. For the gates that are closer to the centre of the map, 100 points are needed. For the gates behind 80 points are needed, but the zones near the spawn fields cannot be destroyed. During the last two minutes of a game, points count double – then you have to defend the areas especially well.

Caution: If you run through an enemy zone, you will briefly receive a debuff and your movement speed will be slowed down. This is also indicated by a small pink eye above the Pokémon.