This is what a Fallout New Vegas remake could look like

Fallout New Vegas remake new Look


Digital Dreams shows the game world of Fallout New Vegas – in Fallout 4! The result looks really good and makes you want a remake.

Mods sometimes do what gamers can only dream of. And many a fan of the Fallout series would be as happy as a child at Christmas over a remake of New Vegas. After all, many die-hard veterans see Obsidian Entertainment’s 2010 spin-off as the best part of the entire series.

Now there’s something that comes close to a real remake: The YouTube channel Digital Dreams, known for extreme mod videos, published gameplay scenes from the game world of Fallout New Vegas, which was transported to Fallout 4 via mods.

The main mod is called Project Mojave and is available for download on Nexusmods. Digital Dreams is not satisfied with this, however, and has also made numerous adjustments. Here you can see the impressive result:

A fallout from the future?

What comes out of the colourful bouquet of mods and settings is really something to behold. Not only does the dusty New Vegas benefit from the more modern Creation Engine from 2015, but Digital Dreams also pushes the visual quality to the extreme with its own graphics mods and ray tracing presets.

So the modded Fallout 4 looks something like what a modern remake of New Vegas might look like. Or even how some veterans remember the original game, if one is to believe one’s own glorified memories.

Can I play this?

Which mods exactly you need to create the look exactly as shown in the video, however, remains unclear. Digital Dreams has not yet published the list of all mods used. Usually you need the specially created presets from Digital Dreams, which you can only access if you support the YouTube channel at (Patreon).

The basis for the video is the Project Mojave for Fallout 4 on (Nexusmods). In the video description, Digital Dreams links to the specially created Apex ENB (Nexusmods), which provides Fallout 4 with improved lighting scenes. For the reshade preset used, as mentioned above, you have to donate on Patreon