This new Google feature turns your face into a controller


Project GameFace is exactly what the name promises: gaming with your facial muscles.

Who actually determined that we have to operate computers with mouse and keyboard? 

AI was the big topic at Google I/O and dominated almost the entire keynote. What was unfortunately not shown during the event: Project GameFace.

Project GameFace is not a gimmick, but is intended to make it easier for people with disabilities to use computers and play games. On board: video game streamer Lance Carr, who has muscular dystrophy.

How does steering work with the face?

Lance Carr was something of an inspiration for Google. The streamer already uses a head-tracking mouse to pursue his hobby. 

Google’s idea: No extra hardware, just a webcam and software complete with AI that recognises facial and head movements.

The software is supposed to recognise 468 individual points on the user’s face and then react accordingly, i.e. a left click when one smiles or a right click by raising the right eyebrow.

This is to be implemented by an AI, i.e. an algorithm that recognises facial movements and then transfers them to the screen.

Which facial expression or gesture does what can be set individually.

(Source: Google)
(Source: Google)

When will GameFace be available?

As the name suggests, Project Gameface is still in development. At the moment, developers and interested parties have access to the open source code and can already test the software.

(Digitaltrends has already tried the feature). The author describes the experience as if the mouse pointer followed his nose. So he controlled the cursor by tilting his head. 

KI should not only ensure more inclusion, but also make our lives easier in the future. In Google Labs, it is already possible to try out various AI-based tools. Sidekick is supposed to help us write texts. 

Controlling computers with your face or even your brain sounds like pure science fiction. Google has proven that we are well on the way to getting there. What do you think of the technology? Do you see any benefits for yourselves? Could computer control with the head and face possibly become standard? Let us know your thoughts on Project GameFace.