This new strategy game is the evil twin of Civilization and the release is near


Solium Infernum literally sends you to hell to fight for the throne of the darkest prince in Civ style. We know the release date and you can test it now

The Prince of Darkness is only away for a short time and what are all the demons hating each other every day doing in his realm? They fall over each other, plot and raise hell-shaking titans. And you are one of these would-be princes intervening in the 4X strategy game – welcome to Solium Infernum!

The following trailer reveals the release date of the infernal strategy game. From February 14, 2024, i.e. Valentine’s Day, demons of all kinds will be able to make love. If you don’t want to wait until then, you can already play the demo on Steam (today).

What is Solium Infernum about?

The following aspects should set the strategy game Solium Infernum apart from the competition:

  • A demonic competition: At its core, the game is a contest between eight different vile arch-enemies, all of them demons. They fight for the throne of hell. This can be conquered in various ways, for example through deceit, war or dark rituals.
  • Multiplayer: The title offers an optional, asynchronous multiplayer mode for up to six players. Asynchronous means that the moves can take place independently and with a time delay, for example divided into 5 to 15-minute game segments that can extend over several days or even weeks. You can also play the matches simultaneously.
  • Optics: The developers have opted for a unique graphic style to depict the surreal environment of hell and the creatures living in it.

In general, veterans of Civilization and co. should quickly feel at home. Because many of the basic principles of the 4X strategy genre can also be found in Solium Infernum

Reinterpretation: Incidentally, the setting and implementation are not new in this form. The title is practically a complete remake of a game from 2009. If you want to take a look at the original, you can still find gameplay of it on YouTube. Even back then, the title offered a play-by-email mode. This is where you can find the basics of the multiplayer matches, which can also be played asynchronously.

If you want to get a deeper insight into the unusual 4X game principle of Solium Infernum, we recommend the almost nine-minute gameplay video that the developers released in October:

What do you think about Solium Infernum? Do you already feel the urge to descend into hell with your friends as soon as possible? Or do you wave it off due to the very dark setting and prefer to devote yourself to no less exciting 4X battles on Earth? Let us know your thoughts and opinions in the comments below: