Thunder Tier One: Unusual military shooter delights players on Steam




On Steam, many players are celebrating the new tactical shooter Thunder Tier One. But for what? Here you can find out whether the game might suit your taste.

Stressful Christmas time: In view of the many new games, the one or other remarkable specimen sometimes slips through. For example, did you catch the release of the tactical military shooter Thunder Tier One on 7 December? Fans of the old SWAT and Ghost Recon games, single players, co-op friends and PvP lovers could all be equally happy here.

This is evident from the first players on Steam: PUBG developer Krafton is currently achieving 86 percent positive ratings from around 1,500 reviewers with Thunder Tier One. We list what excites the players and what the criticism is.

If you want to find out what Thunder Tier is all about first, take a look at our preview:

Thunder Tier One: This military shooter is something special


Lots of love from the players

On Steam, it’s not just the bare numbers that speak for Thunder Tier One. Many players get downright emotional in their reviews! They praise Thunder Tier One for a kind of gameplay that has become rare these days.

Again and again, the comparison to the tactical shooter series Ghost Recon is read, for example by Steam user (Mushu-Wu), who combines his praise with a tip towards Ubisoft:

We finally got a Ghost Recon game, and all we needed was for Ubisoft not to make it.

Ubisoft evolved Ghost Recon into an open-world shooter with Wildlands and Breakpoint, which by no means pleased all old fans. Fans of the formerly more gritty, realistic approach now see Thunder Tier One as a continuation of these strengths.

But comparisons with Commandos and Jagged Alliance, tactics games also loved by fans, also crop up several times on Steam. Twitch streamer (never_ever33) writes:

This game is a very clear buy recommendation for me! If you loved Commandos, you can’t go past this, and for just a slim 20. Thunder Tier One convinced me in everything!

The comparisons are understandable because of the top-down perspective, the realistic approach and the dirty, gritty style that characterises Thunder Tier One. The gameplay also resembles Commandos, for example through the aiming by sight mouse cursor or the extremely short, deadly firefights.

Fans of Commandos remember the good old days in Thunder Tier One.
Fans of Commandos remember the good old days in Thunder Tier One.

again, users notice the AI behaviour in a negative way. As a single player, you can lead a squad of computer-controlled colleagues into the field, but they don’t always seem to act cleverly.

Player (UrbanShadow) speaks of soldiers who stay too close together and shoot each other down when they come into contact with the enemy. The player commands are also said to be so difficult to handle that they lead to death rather than success in the heat of battle. In addition, the player finds the campaign too short:

Not enough single player missions and side missions or challenges. So you might complete the campaign in a few hours and then think, “oh, I’ll check out the other features…” Then you play the individual missions with different weather gear and so on. This feels like a rushed option to me.

As described at the beginning, the negatively evaluating reviewers remain in the minority. For most players, Thunder Tier One is met with much goodwill.

Want to see gameplay in action? Check out the release trailer for Thunder Tier One.