Titanfall 2: Multiplayer is officially fixed after 7 years – and there are signs for more Titanfall content


Titanfall 2 was barely playable online, but seven years after release, there’s an update from the developers after all. Maybe there’s even more to come.

The highly acclaimed shooter Titanfall 2 is currently experiencing a second spring. Just recently we informed you that players are returning in droves because a mod brought the multiplayer mode back to life. Respawn obviously couldn’t ignore the enormous interest and has now released an official update so that you can once again compete online with mechs without a mod.

For years, the game suffered from matchmaking problems. It was hardly possible to play a game without disconnecting – if a round started at all. But now the problems are a thing of the past, and according to (PCGamer) the loadouts in the 1v1 Coliseum mode have been changed. Meanwhile, (over 22,000 simultaneous) (players) can be found again in Titanfall 2.

Is there more Titanfall 2 coming?

As if that wasn’t great news for fans alone, the developers are now raising hopes for more. In the new Harbingers event of Apex Legends, cryptic numbers are hidden in the (Patch Notes) end with the addition Incoming transmission…. Subject: Nessie….

On (Reddit) fans could already find out what it is about there: Timestamps for the Unix operating system. They show the release dates of Titanfall, Titanfall 2 and Apex Legends 

Of course, theories have now quickly developed: Is the cancelled Titanfall 3 coming after all? Respawn’s CEO would definitely love a sequel. Or will Apex Legends feature the mechs from Titanfall in an upcoming update? Nothing is clear yet, but Respawn obviously isn’t done with Titanfall, that much is clear.

If you now feel like getting into the mech as well, then you should hurry up: Until 18 September at 8pm, Titanfall 2 is still 90 percent off (on Steam) and costs just 3 euros!

Are you happy that Respawn hasn’t written off Titanfall 2 after all or should the developers rather concentrate on Apex Legends? What do you think the Unix times mean? Are you hoping for an announcement for Titanfall 3 or are regular updates for the second part enough for you? Drop us a line in the comments