Tomb Raider I-III Remastered introduces photo mode


At the weekend, Aspyr Media unveiled a new feature for Tomb Raider I-III Remastered. The title will have a photo mode that will allow you to explore the beauty of the remastered editionDiablo 4: The most powerful items in the game get a new feature tomorrow, but fans want more

Patch 1.3.2 will be released on February 13 and makes a change to the Uber Uniques, which sounds good to fans but is disappointing in practice

Blizzard once again dances the Diablo dance with its fans and promises an actually desired improvement, which nevertheless satisfies very few This time it’s about the planned patch 1.3.2 for Diablo 4, which will be released on February 13th

This patch will finally make it possible to craft the most powerful items in the entire game So from Tuesday, you’ll be able to decide for yourself which super-unique item you want to have. In theory. In practice, many fans still feel like they’re being taken for a ride, as only a small part of the community benefits from this

This is how Uber Uniques will soon be produced

But first let’s get to the actual change In the patch notes provisionally published for the upcoming hotfix, the first thing that is discussed is the change to these extremely rare items. You will soon be able to craft uber-unique equipment:

  • You can have super-unique items disassembled by the alchemist and then receive the new resource Magnificent Sparks.
  • If you have a total of 5 Magnificent Sparks in your bag, you can use them to create a super-unique item of your choice.
  • However, there is no preview of the possible affixes of the desired item.

The super-unique items are the Doombringer, the Grofather, the Molten Heart of Selig, Andariel’s Countenance, the Harlequin Crown, the Ring of Starless Skies and Ahavarion, Staff of Lycander. The seven unique items are extremely rare – but can now be specifically farmed by defeating Über-Duriel.

According to the developers, this change is intended to provide more freedom in obtaining as players are frustrated if the same Uber-Unique drops several times.

Fans are still dissatisfied

Although such a change sounds like a good idea in principle and fans have expressed their desire to utilize their duplicate Über-Items, it is still extremely difficult to implement. This is because you need five Magnificent Sparks to craft a single Uber Unique In total, you have to use five useless Uber Uniques to get a single one in exchange

Most fans won’t benefit from this change at all, as the chance of getting a single Uber item is grotesquely low even with Uber Duriel There are reports of people who have placed Duriel hundreds of times without getting a single one.  This new crafting mechanic will therefore only benefit the absolute hardcore fanswho spend the whole day just flattening Duriel.

The patch notes also state that the drop chance of these items outside of the Duriel boss fight has been increased, but since the probability here was even lower anyway, nobody expects to be able to get hold of these coveted items much more easily in the future.

What else does the patch change?

In addition to this somewhat controversial change to the Uniques, there are also other changes to the game on February 13, which primarily fix various bugs in different areas of the game. For example, there are a few bugs during the Lunar Awakening season event that will now be fixed. Some bugs are also being fixed in the current third season

You can read the complete patch notes on the next page.


Crafting super-unique items

Developer’s comment: Over-unique items are in high demand. With the Season of Blood, we’ve introduced targeted farming of uber-unique items with uber-Duriel to give players another way to obtain these types of items. However, we want to give players more freedom in obtaining the uber-unique items they want, as we’ve received feedback that obtaining duplicate or unwanted uber-unique items detracts from the experience. A new system will allow players to make use of duplicate and unwanted super-unique items by collecting them for a new resource that will eventually allow them to craft a super-unique item of their choice. In addition, the chance of uber-unique items dropping anywhere outside of uber-Duriel encounters has been increased.

  • Over-unique items can now be collected to obtain a new resource: Magnificent Sparks. Players can bring 5 Magnificent Sparks to the Alchemist and transmute a super-unique item of their choice.
    • The Alchemist’s “Refine Resources” tab has been renamed to “Transmute” and the option to craft a super-unique item can be found under this tab.
    • Note that the preview window for crafting a super-unique item does not display the affixes of the item.
  • Increased the chance of uber-unique items dropping outside of uber-Duriel encounters.


  • The “Cursed Shrine” event now grants the shrine bonus at the start of the event, rather than after it is completed.



  • Fixed a bug that prevented the screen reader from reading the “Claimed” status for Lunar Awakening rewards.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the screen reader from reading Ancestral Favor levels correctly.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the screen reader to misread upgrade text of the Ancestor’s Favor.

Season of the construct

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Vizier Wasp constructs from being affected by immobilization effects.
  • Fixed a bug that caused information to be missing from the Glowing Cores tooltip.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented journal pages from dropping during the quest “Kull’s Heart”.
  • Fixed a bug where only the first person in a party would receive a reward for looting Whispers of the Obelisk.
  • Fixed a bug where Arcane Quakes in Hawezar and Scosglen could have Galvanic Fire Bowls that could not be interacted with.
  • Fixed a bug where attacks from Malphas could still deal damage after he was defeated.
  • Fixed a bug where the seasonal journey objective “Guardian of the Void” was still referencing “Pearls of Protection” to summon “Echo of Malphas” instead of “Glowing Cores”.

Lunar Awakening

  • Fixed a bug where the last quest in Lunar Awakening could not be started if the player had already collected the maximum possible Favor of the Ancestors.
  • Fixed a bug where the shrine related to the Whisper of Purification of the Shrine on the North Shore could be missing.
  • Fixed a bug where the Ancestral Favor window would not close automatically when removing Ying-Yue.


  • Fixed a bug that prevented Treasure Goblins from appearing when fighting Gnashers.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented enemies killed by an execution effect from dropping loot.
  • Fixed a bug where Blessed’s Molten Heart did not always reach the maximum value for its movement speed affix.
  • Fixed a bug where the Aspect of Resounding Rage did not grant a bonus to Rage when learning Tactical Battlecry.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Advanced Rapid Fire to incorrectly override the critical strike damage bonus from other sources.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the damage increase and resource reduction cost from the Ring of Starless Skies to be incorrectly calculated.
  • Fixed a bug where the last lieutenant in “The Onyx Tower” could not appear, preventing completion without resetting.

User interface and user experience

  • Fixed a bug where adding a friend while playing with a controller would immediately reopen the menu to add a friend.
  • Fixed a bug where adding a note to a friend would open the add friend menu after the note was added.
  • Fixed a bug where the animus icons were missing from the mini-map in the Traitor’s Alley dungeon.


  • Fixed an issue where a socketed gem could disappear from a legendary or unique item if the item was dropped.
  • Fixed a bug that caused instability for some players using NVMe solid state drives.
  • Miscellaneous visual, performance and stability improvements.

can be found here. In addition, the preload has started today

With the release date approaching, the Xbox Wire revealed big news about Tomb Raider I-III Remastered last Friday. The new edition of the trilogy will feature a photo mode that allows players to take pictures of Lara Croft and her surroundings. This feature has enjoyed great popularity in recent years, so we can’t wait to see the community’s artwork.

Tomb Raider I-III Remastered looks set to be a real spectacle for fans of the original trilogy. Aspyr confirmed in a blog post back in January that they had not only integrated modern controls. The original controls can also be activated at the touch of a button. The original graphics can also be set.
To make bosses less frustrating, they have also been given a health bar. This allows you to see how much energy you still have to put into the big enemies.

If you’re playing Tomb Raider I-III Remastered on PlayStation, you can start the preload last night. While the download size on the PS4 is just under 7 GB, it is just under 4 GB on the PS5. Achievement hunters can look forward to over 200 trophies, which will certainly take some time to complete.
The action adventure game will be released on February 14 for PC (Steam and GOG), PlayStation, Xbox and Nintendo Switch. Even more action awaits you in our report on the latest Atomic Heart DLC