Trailer for World War Z: Aftermath shows the next step for the zombie shooter

‎Trailer for World War Z
‎Trailer for World War Z

New maps, a first-person shooter mode and a new class await players of World War Z in the DLC Aftermath. The trailer shows what fans of the horde shooter will get with Aftermath: In two new scenarios, namely Rome and Kamchatka, players have to fight off the masses of undead. A new class called Vanguard helps with the defence, as the specialist has a shield in his luggage.

Aparticularly interesting: With Aftermath, World War Z can even be played as a first-person shooter in the future, thanks to the first-person mode. You can see more gameplay from the first-person view in another trailer for World War Z.

World War Z: Aftermath will be released on September 21, 2021 as paid DLC on Steam and the Epic Store, as well as for consoles. New players can purchase the complete package, i.e. all content of World War Z Game of the Year Edition including Aftermath DLC for the full price of 32 euros. Owners of the main game get the DLC for half price.