Troll: The Tomb Raider director”s Netflix film doesn”t take itself too seriously


An explosion in the mountains of Norway rouses a gigantic troll from its thousand-year beauty sleep. With fatal consequences for the local population. Because also in terms of its appearance, the colossus is much more reminiscent of King Kong than of the cute miniature versions from DreamWorks” Trolls.

In order to put a stop to the blind destructive rage of the forgotten monstrosity, the military raises heavy artillery in the form of helicopters, fighter jets and rockets . The soldiers are assisted by scientist Nora (Ine Marie Wilmann), a palaeontologist dedicated to the study of ancient creatures

The Netflix flick Troll was directed by Roar Uthaug, who took a stab at the latest Tomb Raider adaptation starring Alicia Vikander in 2018. The hunt for the larger-than-life behemoth begins on 1 December.