Tron 3 is really coming: The legendary sci-fi series will be continued after 14 years, now there’s the first picture


The 42-year-old sci-fi series Tron is actually being continued on the big screen. After Legacy, Ares will be released in cinemas in 2025

Nobody really expected this anymore: Tron 3 is really coming – and only 42 years after the first and 14 years after the second film. The sequel is subtitled Ares and is due to be released in cinemas in 2025, and a first image has now been released.

What we currently know about Tron: Ares

A specific release date for Tron: Ares has not been announced at the moment. What we do know is that Joachim Ronning (Maleficent, Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazar’s Revenge) is directing the film, while we also know the main cast members.

Tron: Ares will feature Jared Leto, Greta Lee, Evan Peters, Hasan Minhaj, Jodie Turner-Smith, Arturo Castro, Cameron Monaghan and Gillian Anderson, among others.

Leto takes on the role of the titular computer program Ares, the first image of which has now been unveiled. Ares makes the leap from the virtual to the real world and comes up against Greta Lee’s main character: a video game developer and head of a technology company.

What about old acquaintances from Tron: Legacy?

Meanwhile, it remains to be seen whether the main actors from Tron: Legacy Garret Hedlund, Olivia Wilde and Jeff Bridges will be making another appearance. It is also not known whether Cillian Murphy will return in his role as Edward Dillinger Jr.

In the first image of Tron: Ares, however, at least one allusion to the latter can already be spotted: On the data disc in Ares’ right hand is the lettering Dillinger Systems on – the invention of ENCOM director Edward Dillinger (David Warner) from the first Tron in 1982.

The chances of Daft Punk contributing the soundtrack again, meanwhile, are slim after the musical duo disbanded in 2021.

Tron: Legacy was released in cinemas in 2010, 14 years ago, but the sequel has been a long time coming. Probably because the film by director Joseph Kosinski (Oblivion, Top Gun: Maverick) fell short of expectations: with a budget of 170 million US dollars, Legacy only made 400 million worldwide (via Box Office Mojo).

Critics punished Tron: Legacy with average ratings at Rotten Tomatoes of 51 percent and 49 percent at Metacritic as well. Viewers with 63 to 72 points were rather more conciliatory. In the meantime, the perception of Tron: Legacy has also changed noticeably, so perhaps part 3 is coming at just the right time.

What hopes and expectations do you have for Tron: Ares? Are you happy that part 3 is actually coming after 14 years or could you do without it with a clear conscience? How much did you like Tron: Legacy from 2014 and the original Tron from 1982? Let us know in the comments – we’d love to hear your opinion!